[IRCA] TP's for 10/29/10
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[IRCA] TP's for 10/29/10

Listened from 1340 to 1418 utc.  Poor conditions this morning.  Nothing above 828 kHz.

153       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1340 fair with man in Russia and then some weird music.
693       JAPAN, JOAB 1346 weak briefly with a ton of splatter.
774       JAPAN, JOUB 1351 anemic signal with some splatter.  Fair at 1417.
828       JAPAN, JOBB 1413 weak.
2850      DRP OF KOREA, 1403 good with woman singing.
3250      DRP of KOREA, 1405 fair with man/woman talking.
3280      CHINA, 1406 weak to fair at times.  Man in Chinese.
3320      DRP of KOREA 1408 weak with talk.
3480      DPR OF KOREA, 1402 good with man in Korean 
3912      REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1409 fair with music.
3925      JAPAN, Radio Nikkei good with music.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC 545 & R8B
NW ewe
Solar Indices SF 86 A 3 K 0
Local Sunrise 1447 utc
      Sunset  0102 utc
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