[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-21
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-21

Hello All,
     After suffering (with the other local gang)  through Asian propagation 
swoons around 1340 the past two days, I decided to try  my luck chasing 
TP's a little earlier-- around 1310, when my  location was still in total 
darkness. The strategy seemed to work quite well,  with at least a fairly vibrant 
signal from 738-BEL2 around that  time, along with several Japanese "big 
guns" at fair levels. These early TP  results seemed to be similar to what 
Richard and Dennis found this morning-- not  a great band, but at least some 
fair Asian audio. Some second-tier Asians also  had promising heterodynes, and 
it seemed like a nice morning was in store. 
     Unfortunately 1340 rolled around again, and  the propagation again 
took a major dive, as if on cue. This time the  band seemed to go into a 
comatose state, with both the "big gun" TP's and  second-tier Asians taking a 
terminal dive, with almost no late rebound. The  only survivors of the 
propagation crash seemed to be a couple of weak  Chinese (639 and 936), which managed 
threshold audio around 1425 (after  having been ghostly heterodynes for 
most of the morning). In summary, it  was a pretty disappointing result after 
the earlier (1310) propagation  check, and maybe an indication that the 
TP-DXing focus here should be  shifted to the earlier (1300-1340) period. 
The following were heard on a C. Crane SWP Slider model (7.5" loopstick)  
inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the cold back  
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan   Fair Japanese talk around  1335, but
        dived into the noise after  that
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea (presumed)  Fair music at  1325
639  CNR1  China Synchros (presumed)  Threshold audio at  1424
648  VOR    Razdolnoye, Russia  Fair Chinese  speech around 1312
738  BEL2   Penghu, Taiwan  Good Chinese talk program  at 1310
         (the best TP of the  session), but signal fizzled out around 1340
747  JOIB    Sapporo, Japan  Good Japanese talk in  KXL slop 1313
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair language lessons around  1330

936  Anhui, China (presumed)  Threshold music audio around  1425
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair-good Korean speech at  1328
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock
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