[IRCA] TP's for 09/17/10
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[IRCA] TP's for 09/17/10

Listened from 1245-1342 utc.  Dawn enhancement seemed to only improve the 
signal of JOUB 774, everything else was in fade out mode.  Good Luck.

153    RUSSIA. Radio Rossii 1249 S-1 signal with piano music.
180    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1250 S-1 signal with Russian talk.
279    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1251 S-2 signal with Russian talk. S-3 at 1314.
594    JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1300 weak with man in Japanese.
648    RUSSIA, 1316 very weak.  
657    DPR OF KOREA, 1254 weak with talk and // 3320.
693    JAPAN, JOAB 1317 weak with man in Japanese.
774    JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1245-1248 fair to good with English Radio Conversation Program.
              1340 Good
828    JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1256 fair and // 774.
1053   KOREA'S 1333 jammer on top of channel over station with woman talking.
1134   JAPAN, JOQR 1336 believed to be the station with faint audio and talk.
1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1258 fair with a lot of noise.

Salmon Creek, WA
NW ewe
Solar Indices SF=83 A=6 K=2
Local Sunrise 1351 utc

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