Re: [DX] DXing Survey
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Re: [DX] DXing Survey

Vastattu jo!

73, MR

24.11.2011 7:58, Jukka Kotovirta kirjoitti:

Kiinnostaisiko jotakuta osallistua? Olisi mukava saada ”the Finnish way” näkymään oikein väitöskirjassa. ;-)


73 de JTK


From: fmlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:fmlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Predavatel
Sent: 24. marraskuuta 2011 2:55
To: fmlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [fmlist] DXing Survey

FW: DXing Survey

Good morning.
My name is Michael Nevradakis, and I am a Ph.D. student in Media Studies at the University of Texas at Austin in the United States. You are being contacted as a result of your involvement as a DXer and as a participant in the DXing community.

I am currently conducting a research study titled "Disembodied Voices and Dislocated Signals: The World of Modern-Day DXing." The goal of this study is to ascertain characteristics of DXing which its participants find appealing, the cultural and community aspects of DXing, the experiences DXers have had as part of their involvement in this hobby, and the views of DXers as to the future of DXing in light of the rapid pace of technological change and development.

As part of this study, I am conducting a selection of brief interviews with DXers about their specific involvement in the hobby and their views about DXing. These interviews will be conducted entirely by e-mail, and if you choose to participate, you will receive a brief questionnaire which you will be asked to complete. The questionnaire will not take more than approximately 15-30 minutes of your time, and will be in English.

A cover letter has been enclosed with further details about this study, along with the questionnaire (copied below).

Participants will be asked to submit their responses by Monday, November 28th, 2011.

I will be happy to answer any questions or to address any concerns you may have about this research study or your potential participation in it. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Michael Nevradakis
Ph.D. Student
Department of Radio-Television-Film
University of Texas at Austin


1. Describe your involvement in the hobby known as DXing.
2. Do you attempt to DX broadcast radio signals? Ham and amateur radio signals? Or other types of transmissions? Why did you choose this particular type of transmission to focus on as a DXer?
3. What initially drew you to become a DXer? When did you first begin DXing?
4. Were any family members also DXers and did they influence your interest in this hobby?
5. What appeals to you about the hobby? What aspects of DXing do you enjoy the most?
6. How would you characterize the act of listening to and tracking down distant signals?
7. How do you keep track of the distant signals which you have received?
8. Describe the cultural and community aspects of DXing. Do you feel that DXers together comprise a community? Do you interact with other DXers?
9. Would you describe DXing as a form of "social networking" because of your interaction with individuals from other locations and cultures or because of your ties with other DXers?
10. How would you describe the intercultural communication that you have been exposed to as a result of your involvement with DXing?
11. Does the DXing community have any events or gatherings where you meet other DXers face-to-face? If so, have you attended any such events?
12. In your estimation, is DXing a "gendered" hobby—in other words, do you feel that DXing is a male-dominated activity? If so, why do you believe this is the case?
13. How is DXing responding to the growth and rapid pace of technological development, such as internet broadcasting/webcasting and digital over-the-air broadcasting?
14. Has new technology, such as the Internet, aided your efforts as a DXer in any way?
15. What do you foresee for the future of DXing? Is it a hobby that is, in your view, dying off?
16. Are young people still being attracted to DXing?
17. Please share any final comments and thoughts about DXing or your involvement in the hobby.

Please include your full name as well.
SEND to: mnevradakis (at)


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