Re: [IRCA] tonight's TA's
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Re: [IRCA] tonight's TA's

Besides the ones listed below, I later managed to get:

1548 carrier, maybe audio, possibly Sawa, but way too much 1540/1550 splatter
819 Egypt with bits of singing through the splatter from local KGNW-820
864 Something not //France, sounded like flute or piano music weakly
549 carrier, too much splatter for audio
810 Scotland //web feed u/KGO

Some of the usual carriers like 747 756 783 955 909 1215.

Bruce Portzer wrote:
I've been sitting on the upper part of the band for a while

1575  Farda is the best I've ever heard them

1422 DLF popped up brieflty //web feed

1503 carrier pops up now and then, and maybe had audio at 0103

That's about it, so far, though I'm still hoping for exotic stuff like 1548 & 1431


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