[IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's (or lack thereof) for 10-9
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's (or lack thereof) for 10-9

Hello All,
The 1134 kHz "buzz saw" (which ruined the occasional audio from Croatia  
last night) was gone this morning-- but so was a lot of the TP-DX.
Signals before 1400 were decidedly down from yesterday, and only the  
strongest TP's had much audio (594, 603, 657, 738, 828, etc.). Chasing weak  
signal DX seemed hopeless, with all the frequencies of interest (612, 684, 765,  
1107, 1323 and others) having hopelessly weak carriers. Finally around 1400 
 signals improved to low average, and there was an interesting mix of HLSA 
and  the Chinese co-channel on 603 kHz, and 666 having a weak mix of NHK1 
and the  Russian.
Scrambling to find a TP signal strong enough to test the new DSP-enhanced  
Tecsun PL-310 portable's selectivity performance, I found that 738-Taiwan  
Fisheries had a solid "9" signal at 1405 on the 9' box loop here, providing 
an  excellent opportunity to make an MP3 of this new radio's 6 kHz, 4 khz, 3 
kHz, 2  kHz and 1 kHz DSP selectivity options. The DSP filtering was very 
impressive,  eliminating the 740-KCBS splatter and heterodyne completely on 
the 1 kHz DSP  setting.  Not bad for a $40 radio! The MP3 was uploaded to the  
Ultralightdx Yahoo file site, or is available upon request.
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver (this morning):  Tecsun PL-310 AM-FM-LW-SW DSP portable  ($40 
plus shipping on eBay)
9' PVC-framed box loop (in back yard)
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