Re: [IRCA] Day 2 in Kenai, Alaska
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Re: [IRCA] Day 2 in Kenai, Alaska

At 10:05 AM 9/18/2008, you wrote:
>Hi all:
>Here in Southern Alaska, once the mainland stations from Seattle, Portland
>an California fade out an hour or so before LSR, the band is really wide
>open, and prior to that the Asian signals are often so high that they
>shove aside a domestic.  For example, presumed JOGB-873 makes 870 out of
>McGrath a challenge to hear. So, if someone is thinking about where to go
>on their next DXpedition and would like a change of pace, I would suggest
>giving Alaska some consideration - just don't DX from a picnic shelter!
>73- Kevin S

Kevin, you know that John Bryant and I were considering a DXpedition to Barrow, AK this fall, but plans fell through for this year.  Yes, it's great fun going to far away places to DX!........Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC
PS:  There was also some talk about a DXpedition to South Africa late this summer.  Don't know whether it got off the ground or not, though.

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