Im assuming they'd run the two 50KW Transmitters on 531 into a combiner of
sorts and the combined pwoer would be 100KW.
On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 5:58 PM, saulamdx <saulamdx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
* The Faroe Islands parliament has approved state funding to purchase two
50KW transmitters to replace a single 200KW one on 531. Energy costs have
risen, and the tube has failed often, putting the station off-air. They
tried a second-hand tube but it proved unsuitable. The two transmitters will
apparently both run on 531 and the standard operational power will be 50KW
but may rise to 100K by adding the second transmitter whenever appropriate.
They're also looking to upgrade FM signals to manage remote area reception.
To be honest, I'm not quite understanding how a second transmitter can
increase the overall power from 50 to 100KW.