Re: [IRCA] QSL??? DX test CFFX 960
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Re: [IRCA] QSL??? DX test CFFX 960

Konnie, Willis, and group

--- Konnie Rychalsky <dxbox87@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Now now girls, kiddies, no one ever implied I wasn't
> gratefull, or grapefruit, or unhappy with whatever I
> get.

As we all know, times change. Even the ARRL has
electronic QSL service through their "logbook of the
world".  Conditions are always changing, people can

The way that I have adapted is by cheerfully accepting
any JPG QSLs received, printing them on photo quality
paper, and printing the e-mail verification that
usually accompanies the eQSL. And yes, they look very
good along with collection of traditional QSLs.

As such, we live in a free country and can do as we
choose. I think you may be missing out on some of the
excitement my not accepting eQSLs.

Just MY 2 cents.

VY73 and Good DX,


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