Re: [IRCA] am iboc
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Re: [IRCA] am iboc

>> Much like High
>> Definition television
>> provides viewers with a better picture, HD Radio
>> provides listeners with
>> vastly improved sound quality. It also eliminates
>> hisses, pops, and static
>> from the radio listening experience.
> It's not remotely close th HDTV. I am suprized they
> have not sued iBiquity over the HD name, claiming
> copywright  infringement. 

Surprised WHO hasn't sued Ibiquity? I don't believe "HDTV" is anyone's 
trademark, is it?

Look - can we stipulate (as the lawyers would say) that:

1. We, as DXers, know full well that the "HD" in "HD Radio" doesn't 
stand for anything,

and that,

2. Marketing people, being marketing people, will say pretty much 
anything to try to make a sale,

and that,

3. Most journalists, being both overworked and not specialists in this 
particular arena, are likely to work right from the press release and 
use whatever terms are used there,

and that, therefore,

4. From time to time, especially around the holiday season, we're all 
going to see websites and ads and local newspaper articles that use 
"High Definition" for "HD Radio" when they shouldn't, and there's really 
very little, if anything, to be gained by constantly pointing it out 
here on this list, where we all already know the difference and where 
nobody's mind is going to be changed?

Now THAT would be something to be thankful for!

(I could extend this by suggesting that by now we all are well aware 
that the audio quality on AM HD is mediocre and that it causes 
interference, and that there's little or no value to constantly 
repeating those points here, too, but I'm not the list moderator and 
that's beyond my purview...)

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