Re: [IRCA] KGA degrade
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Re: [IRCA] KGA degrade

OK, now that I've re-read Mike's original post, I don't really see that
it was as bad as it was made out to be. Certainly not anti-DX. Just
observations about the way things seem to be going.

The big boys or broadcasting seem to have the FCC under their dominon
pretty much, and the local, smaller stations just trying to serve their
commuhities and maybe make a few bucks are the losers just as much as

As I see it, what's good for the small local broadcasters is probably
good for the DX'ers as well. Similarly, an FCC properly staffed and
funded and directed to do what it used to do would be a big plus. 

But since politics, regulation and big business are all about big
money, I'm not goona hold my breath until I'm the color of a Smurf...

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20id
FM: Yamaha T-80 & Onkyo T-450RDS w/ APS9B @15'
AM: Hammarlund HQ-150 & 4' FET air core loop

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