[IRCA] DX loggings: WPNY994-1680 Garner, NC & WQCL647-1700 Newport News, VA
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[IRCA] DX loggings: WPNY994-1680 Garner, NC & WQCL647-1700 Newport News, VA

>1680    WPNY994    NC    Garner (Raleigh) @ 1940 05/27. Finally, a 
>recorded ID from this one.
>                                        Recorder wasn't running three 
> times before. Male voice.Regular, poor
>                                        - fair w/QRM from other TISs, WTTM 
> NJ and a wandering het. 3 trans-
>                                        mitters listed for WPNY994. This 
> is the closest, and I hear the other
>                                        Wake Co. TISs frequently, 
> too.  (CAT-NC)
>1700    WQCL647    VA    Newport News @ 1830 5/27. Also a regular visitor. 
>With info on
>                                        what to do in case of a tornado 
> and other stuff. Female voice. Poor -
>                                        fair w/QRM from Arlington County 
> (VA) TIS. No callsign heard during
>                                        several receptions. (CAT-NC)

   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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