Re: [IRCA] FCC Bows to Big Money, Dumps on Listeners, and Approves Night AM I...
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Re: [IRCA] FCC Bows to Big Money, Dumps on Listeners, and Approves Night AM I...

I have only one comment on the recent FCC decision.  They did bow to the
lobbyists.  No question.

My plan to combat this is simple.  I simply tell the truth.  When someone
asks, I tell them that for the most part the audio difference isn't worth
the cost and effort.  Does it really matter if Rush Limbaugh is in 4KHz
analog or 15KHz digital?  Can you tell the difference between a clean 15KHz
stereo FM broadcast or a 20KHz digital one?  I know my ears don't care.

I also tell them that the radios can get a signal at about half the radius
(1/4 the area) of a good analog signal.  Since the major programming is the
same as the analog, are they really dissatisfied with the analog quality?
And, the secondary programming has no analog upon which to fall back, so it
simply cuts out in dead areas.  Most of the secondary programming is silly
anyhow.  Very poor copies of some XM or Sirius channels.

I tell them I have had two of the best HD Radios opon which I base this
opinion.  I've spent the money, and recommend that they don't bother.

I have used an identical conversation with most of my clients.  Of all of
them, only one has indicated any desire to eventually go HD Radio, and their
night directional array will not support it.

The whole thrust of HD Radio is better sound quality on AM.  The vast
majority of the programming on AM is quality independent talk or news.
Simply irrelevant.  By adding multiple channels on FM they are compromising
the quality to the point where the analog probably sounds better.  Less

I run a private stream for my own use.  It sounds much better than HD Radio
quality, and I control the content.  Once universal WiFi becomes pervasive,
I will not need radio for my own entertainment.  I can also stream any over
the air station I want and can receive at my office.  If someone from the
RIAA were to charge me with unlicensed (read: unpaid) streaming, I would
countercharge them with hacking under the DCMA.  I think that has bigger
teeth, such as jail time.

I am bloody sick and tired of the stupidity to which the whole music and
broadcasting industry has sunk.  To the point where I am taking on more
industrial and business clients and less radio stations.  Just finished
repair of an RF fabric welder at a local industry.  Apparently there are
damned few people who can do that.

Craig Healy
Providence, RI

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