Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] FCC Bows to Big Money, Dumps on Listeners, and Approves N...
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Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] FCC Bows to Big Money, Dumps on Listeners, and Approves N...

The Feckless Chamberpot of Cronies earned its nickname. Today's capitulation 
serves notice of their essence. HD board paints a chilling picture of HD acolytes. To say they 
lie is unfair. Despite best efforts, upon rare occasion, stooge-radio shills 
let slip a somewhat plausible statement  - which quickly proves to be false - 
as with all their statements.

Welcome to radio fascism. BigBoys 'partnered' with an obliging agency, and 
framed mischief by decree. They'll get the money they crave, just not from this 
quarter. Life offers finer treasures than hearing aging drug addicts bluster 
at grovelling callers. 
BigKorpseorate KronyKasters earned our permanent distrust and apathy. Last 
night, one of their execs appeared - whatta coincidence! - on a talk show. The 
host, normally plainspoken to the point of embarassment, sounded uneasy, as if 
afraid to admit the truth.
Exec acquitted himself smoothly in manner of all who poison prey. He gushed 
over radio's future. Talk will be on FM, music on AM, vice versa. He spoke in 
grandois fashion about internet linkages, iPods, and other marvels.
But not about HD. How obvious. HD and its by-design jamming, is the untidy 
little secret none dare reveal. Legit broadcasters yesterday noted, the checks 
have arrived'. President Greasze had a smarmy, cat ate the canary ring to his 
otherwise still voice. How could he mention HD in his 'great future' 
sermonette? Wouldn't that spoil the surprise? 

HD promoters lie, coerce, manipulate, dismiss concerns and behave in manner 
of suspects with much to hide. Then, with that tiresome feigned piety that 
betrays all grifters, and offends in even greater measure than their jamming and 
denials thereof, they object when reporters suggest they're 'crooks'. If the 
shoe fits...
Do they expect now, that they've violated our trust, we'll trust them again? 
How very tedious.
HD stooge-radio is seen as a 'carny scam'. When thugs take all, thinking they 
reduced you to nothing, our Creator delights with boundless generosity.
It's a long life. Time and unforeseen circumstance mock the grandest of plans.
                                                            Paul Vincent 
Manasota Key, FL

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