Re: [IRCA] HD Radios - snap them up!!
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Re: [IRCA] HD Radios - snap them up!!

Sir Z.,

Clearly my scholarly exposition was not necessary.  The delicate nuances of 
market theory are obviously well understood.

I must ask though.  "...needs my wealth, immense thought [sic?] it be."

(I love using [sic], a way of implying superior intellect without having to 
come right out and ask if everyone is aware of it.  Especially useful when 
the item at issues is too trivial to justify discussion otherwise.  But a 
well placed [sic] and everyone knows, "Whoa, that dude knows what's 
happ'nin'."  Noted profuse use by one gh.)

BTW:  I have leapt past the pack and sent my contribution without even 
buying an HD radio.  Hopefully it will arrive without tearing on the 

W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida

At 10:46 PM 10/12/2006, you wrote:
>Don Curtino -
>   A treatise most excellent. If you'd kindly permit, will twist Games Theory
>into yet another pretzeloid shape.
>You deftly illustrate that rebates guage customer satisfaction, e.g. less
>rebate apps = more satisfaction.
>What could be a finer show of satisfaction than to forego HD rebate and take
>it to next level: send HD Bund a contribution?
>As challenge to others, sending my contribution forthwith. With Two-Hundred
>Million Dollars in its promotional budget alone, BundHD hardly needs my 
>immense thought it be. Howevver, as the gentlemen they are, they'll
>appreciate our appreciation for their superb creation. Even as this is 
>typed, HD's
>beautiful invention is saving radio from compelling programs.
>In a surprise poll, consumers not only don't mind the jamming, the express
>gratitude for it. Jamming second and third adjacent freqs protects them from
>'out of contour' stations. Consumers state these out of area stations 
>broadcast compelling programs which invariably foment impure thoughts amongst
>the vulgate. Another HD benefit!
>                                                                   Yours in
>purity of radio,
>                                                                  Dr. P. V.
>Zecchino, T.D.*
>* - Doctor of Torts
>"I feel like a dog took my place!"
>  "You what?!?"
>  "I feel like a dog took my place!"
>   I couldn't take another minute of this. I
>  smacked him, sending him reeling back
>  against the boards.
>"Congratulations", I said, "You are now a Doctor of Torts."
>                                       - c. 1983, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson,
>                                         Rolling Stone article re Roxanne

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