Re: [IRCA] Synching-up--would attempting to revive this 70+ year-old technology make any sense?
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Re: [IRCA] Synching-up--would attempting to revive this 70+ year-old technology make any sense?

At 14:49 27/08/2006, Dan Strassberg  wrote:
>......The satellite-based
>scheme should not be extraordinarily expensive to implement. My question is
>whether it would have any value. Would elimination of the sub-audio
>heterodyne between the carriers improve the listenability of the signal from
>stations subject to co-channel interference from a single dominant station?
>Your thoughts please.

...know practically nothing about this, but I'd also heard that the 
HD stations use GPS  (the "pulse per second" or ?)  to generate 
exactly "on channel" transmit frequencies,  but don't know 
if  that  ends up being phase locked with another HD station on the 
same channel.  Presumably not, which is why the suggestion of a 
separate satellite-based system?

With the greatest density of  domestic stations being in the 
northeast USA, that would be the place where such a scheme would be 
most welcome.  My limited experience of listening there is that some 
of the serious interference is from Cubans and other Latins; getting 
them to buy into it might be difficult.

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.


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