Re: [IRCA] Dial up
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Re: [IRCA] Dial up

--- Patrick Martin <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> One question about all of these options for fast internet. Do they
> cause
> QRN? If so, I don't want any in my house. I know some wireless they
> have
> in motels causes all sorts of garbage on the dial. DXing is far more
> important to me than fast internet service. It would be nice to have
> it,
> but not at the expense of my hobby.
> 73,

I have not noted any interference from the DSL on AM. There's far more
interference caused by a traditional monitor than could ever come from

I did encounter interference on FM, but it was readily eliminated by
another layer of isolation by second ethernet adaptor between the DSL
modem and the cable coming into the shack.

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA  ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20ID
FM: Yamaha T-80 & Onkyo T-450RDS w/ APS9B @15'
AM: Hammarlund HQ-150 & 4' FET air core loop

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