Re: [IRCA] Copyright.
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Re: [IRCA] Copyright.

> > I was once told putting anything down on paper constituted
> copyrighting,
> > the only advantage of registering said copyright was in proving who
> came up
> > with it first, once the lawyers descended.

*** I don't believe that's true. I'm not aware of any common law
protection like that. Many writers/editors/publishers include a
copyright statement with their material, in the belief that this will
suffice to dissuade those who would misuse it. Since the potential
misuser cannot know readily whether the statement is backed up by the
necessary ( and somewhat cumbersome ) process required to gain full
legal copyright status ( which still doesn't guarantee no one will use
the material ) or not.

Therefore, simply using the statement does provide some measure of
protection, however should push come to shove, that usually doesn't
translate into legal protection sufficient to collect damages, nor even
stop further unauthorized use.

Russ Edmunds
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