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Re: [IRCA] TPs in Maine

Bill, I just spent about 15 minutes working my way up the band 9kHz-stepwise on the KiwiSDR... it's 3:30pm Central time right now, and it fries my little brain to be able to:
1)  hear TA audio on nearly every 9-kHz channel;
2) note that many of the 1- or 2-kHz splits are loud enough to completely dominate/obliterate the North American stations on the 10kHz channels;
3) hear co-channel QRM on many TA frequencies, including a mix of synchros on several of the Spanish and British channels.
I have certainly logged a handful of ID'able TAs here in Missouri over the past 25 years, and QSLed a couple--but this is kid-in-a-candy-store stuff for me. It doesn't sound quite like tuning around on a Europe-based SDR... but it's close!
And when it comes to the Asians... nicely done.  What else is there to say?
Yeah, I know, "location, location, location..."

Randy Stewart
Springfield MO

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