Re: [IRCA] Grouchy old men
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Re: [IRCA] Grouchy old men

If I appeared to be a grouchy old man in my lengthy diatribe last night, my comments were not directed at David Gleason, whose description of today's radio market I consider to be an accurate assessment of today's society. I tried to make it clear that my thought is that what the vast but fragmented majority of the listeners today want is different from what appeals to me. In the 1950s, when my tastes were set, it would have been economic suicide for a broadcaster to program a station with the same kind of material that was aired in the '20s and '30s. It would take a courageous broadcaster to program what I would listen to, because there aren't enough of me left.
I am bothered by personal attacks made by anybody against anybody, but in my long life as a radio newsman and particularly a newspaper editor, I learned three little words that insulated me against the few personal attacks that were made against me: "Consider the source."
I also have advised in editorials periodically throughout my professional career that one should be careful about accusing someone of lying. If a person says what he believes, he is not lying.
John Callarman, Krum TX 
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