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[IRCA] PEI update

Some antenna work in our wonderful (and waning) fall sunshine got the day
off to a good start, moving the DKaz from a 60 to a 30 degree bearing.   If
there are going to be Aussies, we need to give them a better chance, and
the Northeast corridor null doesn't seem to have suffered much from the
spin through the reeds and bushes.

In spite of the (so far very) minor geomagnetic burp, the mid afternoon
signals don't seem to have suffered much, Greece, Iran and Saudi Arabia
were battling for supremacy on 1512 for example.   The Saudi was back on
1521 for awhile, with suffering audio,  then disappeared.   Now it's back
2104UT, and sometimes the strongest signal heard on the band using the
shifted DKaz.

It's not all powerhouses: 1323 Smooth Radio ID by man between laid back
pop. Good signal dominating channel.  Unbelievable it's 500 watts.  Peaking
at -80dBm.

And often the strongest signal on the band, at least in aggregate is the
never ending static crashes from the north Atlantic nest of all things
thunderous.   Just as well the DX is hot, we'd never stick this summer-like
static out otherwise.

Back to DX.
 (check out signal strengths at:

best wishes,

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