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Re: [IRCA] [CapeDX] 2016 DX Audio Files - Cape Cod, MA (preliminary webpage)

> On Nov 1, 2016, at 12:18 AM, Mark Connelly MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx [CapeDX] <CapeDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> One thing I hear about DXing in the SDR age is that people store up voluminous capture files and seem to take forever to review them and report loggings to other hobbyists.  It does take some effort to save pertinent audio clips, upload them somewhere, and create / update a suitable HTML links page.  Quite a different paradigm from the old days of exclusively "live" one-frequency-at-a-time DX when reports to others tended to get out more quickly.  Right now I have an under-construction page of audio clip links of this year's reception highlights here.  Many are within the last month or two (so likely still relevant).  Not all details for each item have been populated into the webpage but I figured let's get it out there before the tips get too stale.  Detailed reports, resolution of some unID's, and general page clean-up will come over the next week or so.&n bsp; November and December will likely see the addition of more items.
> See:
> http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/doc1/audio_2016.htm <http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/doc1/audio_2016.htm>
> Mark Connelly, WA1ION
> South Yarmouth, MA, USA

Great stuff Mark!

I have never found words very useful when trying to describe to someone what Iâve heard on the radio.

Since my return to the hobby in late 2008, after a 25+ year absence, I have skipped written logs completely and use a database/webpage system to present what Iâve heard - either @ home or on DXpeditions:

http://realmonitor.com/am_logs.php <http://realmonitor.com/am_logs.php>

http://realmonitor.com/am_logs_qh6.php <http://realmonitor.com/am_logs_qh6.php>

http://realmonitor.com/am_logs_grayland10.php <http://realmonitor.com/am_logs_grayland10.php>

â are a few examples.

Itâs not perfect but now that I have a âtemplateâ itâs pretty easy to make a new page or add to an existing one.

It does require a little knowledge or PHP, MySQL and HTML but since âplaying with the computerâ is part of the hobby for many of us thatâs not a problem.

I hope more people go this route.  For me, itâs a lot more ârealâ than pages upon pages of written logs. And once itâs in a database you can do all sorts of analysis that Iâm sure would attract the attention of the âcountersâ among us.

Bill Whitacre
Alexandria, VA

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