[DX] Re: MARLO 15500 USB
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[DX] Re: MARLO 15500 USB
Well, the subject line of my previous message was misleading.
I mentioned MARLO, who was only delivering the info received
from the Coalition. This seems to be a psyop transmission (onboard
a navy vessel or whatever). I listened to my recording of that transmission
on 15500 and it sounds like they are talking about a reward of (million)
and then surely announce the telephone number 001 800 877 3727.
That's for the Coalition Rewards for Justice Program.
The actual id of the station still puzzles me, the word after "Radio"
seems varying (maybe another language), once it sounded just
like the former Afghanistan/Iraqi version of "Maulumat".
Maybe someone has a contact e-mail address to this station,
I failed with:
73 Jari
On 4 May 2004 I wrote:
>On 4 May at 1556 noted an USB station with Middle East/Subcontinent
>style non-stop music on 15500. Weakish signal with lot of splatters from
>15505. At 1603 announcement in Urdu/Hindi or similar language
>mentioning "Radio..." and a telephone number in English. Again music
>but seems there are short station id's at times, I guess they announce
>also the frequency as one word sounds like "kilohertz".
>I believe this is the reported MARLO/Coalition station.
>See http://www.dxing.info/news/index.dx#coalition
>Jari Savolainen
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