[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 10-11, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 10-11, 2008

** CANADA. CHU plans to move from 7335 to 7850 with an upgrade ``this summer`` but only one sesquiweek is left to meet that goal. Still on 7335 as usual at 2142 check Sept 10 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. R. Africa, 15190 remains active most of the time; Sept 10 at 2122, large S9+20 signal but North American preacher undermodulated. Recheck at 2245, still audible with distorted audio under stronger WYFR in Portuguese which starts at 2200. Christians vs Christians! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IBERIA. Both REE in Spanish on 15110 and RDPI in Portuguese on 15295 were sending overblown coverage of some silly ballgame, Sept 10 at 2123. I wonder if it was the same game, but don`t really care (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRNO back on the air UT Sept 10, having last been heard on UT August 30 just before a hurricane hit. They were supposed to resume at 0100-0400 UT the transmission on 7505, but no sign of them by 0115 UT Sept 10. They were on, however at 0205 recheck; but off early too at 0355 check.

Bruce Barker got a tip from WRNO by e-mail that they were about to return, which also said they had been down for power loss, not because of any damage to antenna or tower. However, missing August 31 was well before there should have been any power loss.

Next night, UT Sept 11, at 0059 carrier was on and started promptly at 0100. First news item was from Global Witness, about genocide in the DR Congo. Then items about Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Mr. Kim Jung-Il, Russia vs EU over Georgia, Lebanon --- ``brought to you by Jonathan Peter, as reported by the BBC``.

Went on to say that WRNO Worldwide was not affected by Gustav, now praying against another hurricane planning to hit Houston/Galveston, they hope, instead of New Orleans. And then some music which drove me away immediately. I don`t listen much, but the live DJs seem to act as if they are in New Orleans instead of Fort Worth. Isn`t NOLA merely the transmitter site now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. I was getting a bit concerned Wednesday Sept 10 at 2100, when WORLD OF RADIO 1425 did not start on WBCQ 15420-CUSB, but instead the New Mexico preacher went right on babbling. Finally WOR started late at 2110 and ran until conclusion at 2138:40, during which the signal faded down somewhat. Serves as another reminder that if you don`t hear WOR at scheduled time on WBCQ, don`t give up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Harold Camping on 12055, Sept 10 before and after 2130, but not // WYFR 13615/11565, and 12055 did not sound at all like WYFR, instead with ``generator hum``. This is registered as Ascension at 21-22, 65 degrees. Perhaps the upgrade there needs some tweaking. They certainly use generators, but normally filter out the hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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