[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 10, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 10, 2008

** ASIA. Didn`t have time to log details, but tnx to lower local line noise level, and not too much T-storm activity nearby, a scan of 60m Sept 10 at 1225 found weak signals audible from the usual suspects in North Korea, China, and Indonesia: 4450, 4460, 4750, 4790, 4830, 4870, 4900, 4920, 5030, 5050 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. Sept 10 at 1235 I was hearing lengthy marine weather forecasts extending a few days futurely, on 6507-SSB. Hard to catch geographical details, except for St. Helen`s Point, which a Google search immediately pins on Tasmania. Had SSB 2-way QRM on the high side. Klingenfuss 2002 SW Guide shows five Strines on 6507: VID Darwin, VIM Melbourne, VIP Perth, VIS Sydney, VIT Townsville. I suppose by proximity VIM is most likely. Perhaps they are on a rotating schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. On the sixth day after reactivation, CFRX frequency adjusted much closer to 6070.0 after starting out around 6069.85v. Sept 10 at 1218 it had a subaudible heterodyne of approximately 6 Hz against presumed remnants of CVC Chile. CFRX continued to weaken, but carrier without the SAH still detectable at 1421, 1507 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CKZU, 6160, holding up later as we get into autumn, Sept 10 at 1413 with Vancouver traffic report; Spanish 2-way SSB QRM from 6157 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. As expected, the jamming break tnx to Ike did not last long, but seems not to have ramped up to full force yet again.

The morning of Sept 9 as in my last report, jamming was missing on Martí and WRMI frequencies. I did not have time for a thoro check in the afternoon, but a quick check at 2206 found lite jamming back on 11930. Also, Venezuela relay missing in the morning, was back at 1955 on 15290.

UT Sept 10 at 0530, RM was over jamming on 6030 and 7405. RHC was still missing from 6000, and English on 6060 had better modulation but weaker signal than // 6140.

Next survey started at 1212: 6000 was finally back on, in Spanish at this hour, but with QRDRM from Australia 5990-5995-6000 and from the Asian het on 6003. Other RHC frequencies were on as usual too.

At 1228, just before closing 5980, RM was VG and no jamming audible, nor any once RM was gone; at 1241, 7405 was mixed with jamming, and at 1245 RM was over the jamming. At 1255, RM 13820 VG with no jamming audible, but may have been overriding it, as RHC 13760 was quite weak. 

CRI relay on 9570, missing the day before, was back at 1246 check. As was RNV on 11705 at 1249, but with low modulation and hum.

WRMI, 9955, was jammed again at 1247, both from pulses at the rate of about 132 per minute, and weaker continuous bubbling. However, at 1421 recheck, the jamming was gone leaving a weak signal in English, presumably the usual R. Prague program from the day before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. R. Verdad, 4052.5, always reliable, checked Sept 10 at 0548 and started to hear an ID with station address by YL in what sounded like Swedish! But could have been another Scandinavian language; then into hymn with local piano accompaniment. The final broadcast hour is normally in English, or make that non-Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEPPM, R. Educación, made another of its rare daytime appearances on 6185, Sept 10 at 1411 tune-in. I had not noticed it a couple hours earlier when I was scanning the band and Habana was still on 6180, so I think XEPPM must have deliberately turned the transmitter back on rather than forgetting to turn it off at 1100*

This was apparently prompted by the `special programming` for the Bienal, as explained in DXLD 8-100, without any specific information about when it would be on the air. The Bienal was mentioned, but then the hour was mostly about a Festival Cervantino in Guanajuato, and lots more discussion of Cervantes and Don Quixote. Apparently some celebration about them is going on now, as REE has also been reading and discussing this in the 1300 hour since Sept 8; see SPAIN.

XEPPM signal was quite good at the start, but faded down a bit in the following hour. At 1444 again mentioned Séptima Bienal, discussed radio via Internet. The remote special wrapped up at 1500 with a return to the cabina, ID for XEEP MW 1060 only. By then 6185 was the strongest signal on 49m, and almost the only one, besides WBOH 5920.

My local line noise level has relented, probably only temporarily, so I checked for other carriers, finding 6070 CFRX; and 6045, must be XEXQ at the late hour of 1508, along with bits of audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE, 17595, Sept 10 at 1306 again starting special series about Cervantes instead of Clásicos Populares. Mentioned ``caballero`` literary tradition in other European countries, then into Don Quixote. XEPPM also into Cervantism special: see MEXICO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction, Sept 10 at 1259 on 15390 was vamping with music, and shortly before 1300 English ID as starting part 2 of English lesson; poor with fades. Then identified as Program 98, for beginners.

At 1303 found same kind of thing with frequent doorbell cues, on 15760, but NOT //. These are both M/W/F only at 1300-1330 via South Africa, at 7 and 5 degrees respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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