[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 25-26, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 25-26, 2008

** CHINA. Firedrake again on 8020, July 25 at 1217 presumably against Sound of Hope, but not heard anywhere around 8 MHz on July 26. 9180 Firedrake was also active July 25 at 1226, stronger than 8020, and // 9680 9780 9845 11605 11665 11710 11775 11785 11825 11840 12040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 4830, weak talk in Chinese, presumably China Huayi Broadcasting Corp., Fuzhou, July 26 at 1219 as about to outfade. Meanwhile, Singapore [q.v] in Chinese owns 6185, making one wonder if CHBC has given up on using 6185 at all, as seems prudent. Maybe in August when RSI has closed down, we can detect whether CHBC exist on 6185. BTW, Mauno Ritola points out that CHBC, station 15) in WRTH 2008, does appear under the heading ``Broadcasts to Taiwan`` on page 147 (in the domestic sexion), along with stations 11) to 14). 

So WRTH concedes that Taiwan is part of China, by not putting this in the International sexion? Not exactly: ROC still gets its own separate listings under TAIWAN in the domestic sexion --- but Taiwan`s RTI and V. of Kuanghua broadcasts to the mainland are in the international sexion, so Taiwan must not be part of China? Covering all the bases trumps consistency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. I noticed some anomalies in RHC`s frequency usage the morning of July 26, Cuba`s national holiday, but did not bother to log them; there are anomalies just about every day. I thought there might be extended broadcasts for the festivities but none of the usuals on 9, 11, 13 or 15 MHz were on when checked around 1530; maybe later. As they don`t say openly in Habana, ``Patria o suerte, ¡pensaremos!`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA [and non]. XERTA and TGMI are still clashing on 4800; must be the source of the het of two or three hundred Hz one hears at 1207 July 25, which combined with CODAR makes them both totally unreadable. BTW, WRTH 2008 shows sked of R. Buenas Nuevas as 1930-1545 and 2130-0230, which makes no sense; must mean 0930-1545 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, July 25 at 1225 check was only detectable as a very weak het with equally weak 9525, presumably Poland via Germany. Even less so July 26, while e.g. VOA Philippines 9760 and numerous Firedrakes were inbooming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. RRI Fak2, Irian Jaya Barat, 4790, with talk in Indonesian, presumably Jak news, July 25 at 1208. Nothing on other RRI 60m frequencies, not even 4605 Serui which used to stand out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. V. of the People, clandestine from South to North, July 26 at 1209 clear on 6518 except for lite CW QRM – this is a marine band, after all, // 6600 slightly better and free of any jamming on this occasion. M&W talk in Korean, 1232 orchestral music, still no jamming on either. But there was heavy whoosh-whoosh jamming against 6348 R. Echo of Hope. What does this tell us? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SINGAPORE. RSI in English, 6080, July 26 at 1154 with Aussies, Filipinos on phone lamenting closedown of RSI, hoping it would return. And someone from Singapore National University with a North American accent who conceded that RSI`s day had come and gone due to changes in IT. Apparently these were former contributors to the programming rather than listeners; another one was known as ``Singapore`s travelling gourmet``. Show was ``25 Minutes``. 1200 to news of Kashmir klashes and Bangalore blasts. Bothered by Firedrake overlap from 6085, especially during hi-frequency percussion passages.

Also checked 6185 for the RSI Chinese service, July 26 at 1205. Heard several IDs which I think match the Mandarin ID as spelt in WRTH 2008: ``Xinjiapo guoji guangbo diantai``. The last three words are also heard in IDs from China, so it`s crucial to catch the ``Xinjiapo`` which is obviously a corruption of ``Singapore`` --- or vice versa? Would someone like to add the proper tones? And is it different in Cantonese and Mandarin? I also monitored this July 25 at 1200 with timesignal and the ``Xinjiapo`` ID.

The RSI Malay service was also in as usual on 6120, just causing a lot of QRM to NHKWRJ English via Sackville after 1200 July 26, a situation they never considered worth resolving, just waiting for RSI to self-destruct (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. Dictation-speed Bible reading in English of Acts XXV: 14, July 26 at 0550 on 7520, about Paul & Festus. This is a Russian hour from WYFR, reminding me of when there used to be some dictation-speed secular news in Spanish from VOA circa 1960, which was a big help in my early learning of that language. I would tape and transcribe the broadcasts, not intended as language lessons but I suppose for embassies or USIA/USIS libraries to copy down and publish? But I digress. Haven`t run across dictation-speed broadcasts from WYFR before, just another way to worm The Gospel into people`s heads, and skew their second-language skills toward evangelism.

Surprised to find WYFR Spanish on 7730 instead of usual way OOB 7780, July 26 at 1211, M&W discussing Daniel XI, confirmed by // 15130 which that early was JBA, and still going past 1300; scheduled on 7780 until 1345. Probably punch-up error, and we shall see if it happen again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. More from The Coasters this week on Rock the Universe, WWCR, 7490, Saturday July 26 until 1300. Announced they have a 3-month audio archive of shows via http://rtu.dkosmedia.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9500 audio sweeps again audible July 25 at 1224, but weaker than before. Suspect proof-of-performance testing of a new transmitter, but who knows where? Have previously heard this at various times between 1200 and 1330. Online skeds agree there is only one broadcaster supposed to be on 9500 at this time, CNR1, Shijiazhuang, China site, which runs 165 degrees all the way from 2000 to 1735 (but has anyone heard it at any time to confirm this is not wooden?). Novosibirsk, Russia, does start with FEBA to S Asia at 1400 on 9500, so maybe that`s a remote possibility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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