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Joshua Kucera 3/10/08


The US government is planning to beam Azeri-language radio broadcasts 
into Iran, in a bid to influence opinion among the significant ethnic Azeri 
population there.

The new programming was proposed in the State Department budget that 
begins in October 2008. It must first be approved by Congress. If approved, 
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty would begin broadcasting two hours a day 
of Azerbaijani-language programming in shortwave into Iran, said Jeff 
Trimble, director of programming for RFE/RL.

The United States already has 24 hours a day of programming, via Radio 
Farda, in Farsi. Persians are a plurality in Iran and Farsi is the state 
language. But "research indicates that people prefer to get news and 
information in their native language," Trimble said. "Iran is an obvious case 
because the Azerbaijani population is so large, about a quarter of the 
population." Much of Iran´s Azeri population lives in northern areas of the 

RFE/RL already broadcasts Azeri-language content to listeners in 
Azerbaijan proper. Even though these broadcasts deal with events mainly in 
Azerbaijan, they have a significant following among Iranian Azeris, according 
to Trimble. "This new programming will emphasize issues concerning Iran 
and the ethnic Azeri, Azerbaijani-speaking population of Iran," he said.

According to surveys conducted by RFE/RL, about three-quarters of Azeris 
in Iran have access to shortwave radio and 12 percent listen to shortwave 
programming weekly - figures that are higher than for the population in Iran 
as a whole, Trimble said. "That´s a pretty high percentage. The potential 
target audience for this is pretty high."

Given the long-standing tension between the United States and Iran, some 
experts believe that Tehran is likely to interpret the launch of Azeri-language 
broadcasting as an American attempt to foment Azeri separatism. Azeri 
discontent with the policies carried out by President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad´s administration has risen noticeably in recent years. In 2006, 
thousands of ethnic Azeris protested after an Iranian newspaper printed a 
cartoon featuring an Azerbaijani-speaking cockroach. (The cartoonist and 
the editor of the newspaper were arrested after the cartoon was published.)

Trimble denied that the intent of the new broadcasts would be to stir up 
ethnic strife. "The professional journalistic code of RFE/RL ... strictly 
prohibits the airing of programming or any kind of advocacy for 
secessionism," Trimble said. "So that is not in any way the design or intent 
of this programming for Iran. ... All throughout the history of Radio Free 
Europe/Radio Liberty, there has been a tradition of minority-language 

Mohsen Milani, a political scientist at the University of South Florida who 
studies Iran, said that such explanations likely would not be enough to 
assuage Tehran´s concerns. "Regardless of what the State Department 
says, the Iranian government is going to view this as interference in Iranian 
affairs," he said. "They believe this is part of the overall plan to destabilize 
Iran by helping ethnic minorities against the Islamic republic."

Mahmudali Chehreganli, an émigré who heads the Southern Azerbaijan 
Awakening Movement, applauded the decision to broadcast Azeri-language 
programming into Iran. He added that, despite his persistent lobbying, US 
policy makers are not entertaining ideas about fomenting an ethnic uprising 
in Iran.

"After the Iraq war, from 2003 to 2006, I had hundreds of meetings - in the 
White House, the State Department, the Pentagon," Chehreganli said. "I told 
them that the United States could easily destroy the regime by helping the 
ethnic groups. But they never gave us any help." Chehreganli said he has 
not had a meeting with a US government official since 2006.

"Cooler heads prevailed," said S. Enders Wimbush, the former director of 
Radio Liberty and a fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington. "There´s 
nobody, even in this White House, which can get a little loopy at times, who 
wants 15 more `berserkistans´ out there."

That idea "didn´t go anywhere, because there was no support for it inside 
Iran," Milani said. "Iranian nationalism trumps the ethnicities. You are not 
talking about Czechoslovakia here, a country that was formed after World 
War I or by the Soviets. We are talking about 2,500 years of history and 
these ethnic groups have been part of that for all these years. Especially 
Azeris, there has been dynasty after dynasty that came from that part of 
Iran. There was at one time this idea that ethnic separatism could really 
undermine the Islamic republic, but over the course of the last three years 
they have realized that is not going anywhere."

Nevertheless, the new Azerbaijani-language programming does have a 
more subtle political purpose, Wimbush said. "Most of the critical elite in the 
Soviet Union spoke Russian, but we broadcast in 14 languages because it 
drew audiences toward us," he said. "The medium, in many respects, was 
the message: `The Americans care enough to treat us, to address us as we 
are. They don´t feel as if they have to go through this Russian filter.´ And I´m 
sure that´s very much the same kind of thinking that´s going on here in Iran. 
It´s a big population - if they were in the Balkans or Eastern Europe we 
would have broadcast to them a long time ago."

Editor´s Note: Joshua Kucera is a Washington, DC,-based freelance writer 
who specializes in security issues in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the 
Middle East.
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