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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 18-19, 2008

** ALGERIA [non]. 7150, April 18 at 0542 with declamations in Arabic. This would be the Qur`an service from Algeria, via Sines, Portugal, at 04-06 and 21-23. One of the better signals on 41m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CBCNQ`s decrepit transmitter on 9625 was not especially strong but in the clear, April 18 at 0127 with interview in presumed Inuktituk, occasional English words mixed in. But despite overall low modulation level, distorting on peaks, much worse by one speaker, on the phone? than the other. This again produced spurious spikes on the hi side matching the modulation peaks, audible from 9638 to 9660 and peaking around 9645 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Instead of a roughly equal collision on 6180, April 18 at 0550 VOA English via Greenville was way on top, partly due to doubling power, but also at the time, RHC was quite undermodulated, while // 6060 had a big hum, but 6000 was normal.

R. Rebelde, 5025, has not taken my advice to pay attention to R. Reloj, because April 18 at 0601 I found their timesignal was still 1 minute and 21 seconds later than WWV --- if you believe the nearby yanqui imperialist time station, that is.

RHC leapfrog on 6300 was much stronger than usual April 19 at 0600 in ``news`` in English, S9 +18. Modulation nowhere near as heavy as on 6180, and 6060 had a lot of hum not heard on 6300.

RHC spur on exactly 15000, weak, fading in and out, 1319 April 19. I assume it had something to do with the extremely strong signal on 15370 tho there`s nothing known on band for it to mix with.

RHC on both 13750 and 13760, not usually the case, April 19 at 1321, but they were an echo apart, different sites or program feed routing, with a report from Guatemala during Despertar con Cuba; 13760 is never very strong, and 13750 was a much bigger signal. Nothing on 13680. I could also hear the two signals echoing on 13740 (no CRI relay on yet), but if they are really from two different transmitter sites, the 13740 mix is more likely receiver-produced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. No sign of R. Africa, 15190 on Friday April 18, nor on Saturday April 19, when checked at 1830; at 2200, 15190 bore only WYFR in Portuguese. So it looks like this latest spurt of activity from R. Africa lasted seven days, as I first discovered it April 11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6045, trace of classical music at 1241 April 19, so XEXQ apparently on a few minutes earlier than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. RTM 15345 had a nice semihour of Arab music as I took a seminap, April 19 at 2130-2200, good signal. There was a bit of a SAH but no AH as usually is detectable from Argentina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. I am wondering where RNZI is before 1259 when it comes up on 6170 in AM with IS, TS and news; April 18 a few minutes earlier I could not detect it on 9655, and certainly not on 7145, nor any sign of DRM noise on 6165-6170-6175 as scheduled. I asked Adrian Sainsbury and he says the break in DRM service now starts at 1200 instead of 1258, as was still displayed on their online schedule, but they were on 9655 AM, according to logs. Later that day I confirmed on webcast that Mailbox does appear UT Friday at 2035; it was he doing the show alone, but wrapped up already at 2046, so not sure when it really started; it usually runs from 20 to 25 minutes.

Checked again April 19 at 1248 and presumed RNZI could be detected on 9655 tho very much under CRI/Sackville 9650. I suppose the NW beam from NZ during this hour makes a big difference over here to the NE.

On 6170 Sat April 19 at 1330 I heard the tail end of a program about the Summer Institute of Linguistics, and their Bible translation work in Papua New Guinea, languages in danger of going extinct. Per schedule, this was Tagata o te Moana, a weekly programme for which audible is available, so I ondemanded it. This segment starts 25:40 into the file at http://www.rnzi.com/audio/tagata.mp3 which should be available until April 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also OKLAHOMA

** U K [non]. Checked 9410 Saturday April 19 at 1225 but WHRI was playing gospel rock, as BBC Spanish relay is still M-F only, since no news ever happens on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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