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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending April 20th.

4835, AUSTRALIA, VL8K Katherine, 0811-0830*, Apr 18, English. M & W ancr w/ music & talk; presumed call-in at 0824, quick ID & fanfare at 0830*. Poor, not much to work with but enough to note //4910 VL8T. (Barbour-NH)

6009.98, MEXICO, R.Mil Mexico City, 1023-1040, Apr 14, Spanish. M ancr w/ SP music & R. Mil...Musica el Mexico IDs. Fair at t/in; quickly becoming poor by t/out. (Barbour-NH)

6020, AUSTRALIA, R. Australia, 1041-1100, Apr 14, Tok Pisin. M ancr w/ lengthy prg re Aussie & int'l sports until 1052, URL & prg sked, ID in EG & Tok Pisin at 1054 followed by a rather pleasant sounding s/off routine w/ Island music; TC; freq sked & G'nite. Into EG service at 1100. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

7200, SUDAN, presumed R. Omdurman Al Fitahab, 0257-0314, Apr 19, Arabic. AR vocal & percussion mx at t/in, battling w/ co-channel Bulgaria at ToH & WYFR IS though WYFR not listed anywhere near 7200 per Aoki list. Anthem-like fanfare at ToH followed by M ancr w/ AR talk thru t/out. Poor-weak. (Barbour-NH)

12085, RUSSIA, TWR India Novosibirsk, 0028-0040, Apr 14, listed Bengali. Talk over stringed instrumental w/ contact info & ment. of TWR India. Into listed Bhojpuri service at 0030 w/ mx & talk. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

15190, EQ.GUINEA, R. Africa Bata, 2049-2137, Apr 13, English. US based religous prg thru ToH, prg contact info at 2114 right into new prg. Fair at best w/ wobbly audio. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA

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