[HCDX] Radio Centro mystery - Venezuelan logs from THIS evening and 1 domestic
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[HCDX] Radio Centro mystery - Venezuelan logs from THIS evening and 1 domestic

Hello to all of you !

This was heard on the Mazda Protégé's car-radio in Pointe-Clerc, QC and while driving back to Pierrefonds:

910 VENEZUELA, YVRQ, AM Center, Caracas, DF SEP 3 0056 - with gaita about Maracaibo (sounded like Guaco but too poor reception to be sure). Very poor reception, but clearly them. (Chiochiu-QC)

970vt VENEZUELA, (can't find the call-letters for this one) Mundial Oriental, Barcelona, Anzoátegui SEP 3 0057 - Very tentative ! Briefly tuned away from 910 to find bits of salsa here. Also around 0109, but at all the other check this channel was dominated by a domestic talker, most likely WZAN. Would like this one, it would be Anzoátegui number 3 (Union Radio 640 very regular and Barcelona 1080 once). (Chiochiu-QC) 

1110 VENEZUELA, YVQT, Carúpano, Sucre SEP 3 0048 - Building from extremely weak to very good in about 3 minutes, in the beginning slightly weaker, equal or very slightly stronger than WBT with a romantic salsa tune (I remember the words "Dame un poco calor" - Give me a little bit of hotness). At 0052 almost booming in with "En Venezuela, ocho y cincuenta y cinco minutos ... Radio Centro" (what Radio Centro really mean ? It is intriguing) followed by a melodic romantic salsa tune. By 0054, WBT was covering them well, and at 0055 it was all WBT. However at 0106 surfaced again strongly, though under excellent WBT (wich by the way had a talkshow w/ a passionate anchor - don't remember his name - about the criminality in New Orleans due to the Katrina hurricane) with "Desnudate Mujer" by Frankie Ruiz, covered before the end of the tune by music jingles and traffic jingles from WBT wich made it unlistenable. Also heard way under WBT a few minutes later with llanera and what sounded like Carúpano after a soft maracas or cuatro quitar rhythm, harp and flute llanera tune but too much WBT to be sure (only heard the "...no" clearly"). (Chiochiu-QC)

Domestic DX:

870 WHCU Ithaca, NY SEP 2 2059 - ID heard with an excited Spanish announcer way under (HJSB ?). New ! WLAM is almost certainly auroraED out and WWL is now inactive, isnt it ? (Chiochiu-QC)

When we arrived at home we stucked into the powerline noises so I lost the weak 910 Caracas station (1110 was all WBT the last time I checked). I tried just about a half-hour ago with the Sanyo radio in my room and outside too, but DX is almost impossible, even domestic one. My very strong semi-local WVMT-620 is almost incomprehensible due to high level of powerline-like noises. We went to pick up my mother from work and afterward went to eat Thailandese food while she was buzzy at the Bank and at shops at Fairview, Pointe Clerc (the largest commercial center on Montreal's West Island). I left listening to a nice Spanish report about Venezuela donating millions of $ to help Louisiana on Montreal's CKUT 90.3 McGill University with no skywave at all and when me and my father returned after the food a big 20 minutes before my mother finnished with her duties I founded YVQT and WBT fading in all-together on 1110. What surprised me is that I'm almost sure I heard Radio Centro during the 0052 break on 1110, and Radio Carúpano has absolutly nothing to do with any Radio Centro, nor with the AM Center network wich heardquarter is YVRQ-910 in Caracas. Is it a new slogan ? Maybe I misunderstood it ? I cannot tape what I hear on car-radio, so can't review for a 100% accurate report.

I had a buzzy 48 hours; I finnished the German class yesturday and after the exam had a party. I talked with the other students and the teacher about religion, music and several other interesting things, I eated some pizza and even did some breakdancing (was filmed and photographiated while doing this !). Had school since Thursday. Only sleeped about 6 hours and a half the past two nights.

I'm a bit anxious because this Tuesday, I'll see two doctors: one for the chemiotherapy and the other was the one who operated me this summer. DX'ing has changed my ideas, but due to this stupid noises, I can't do it anymore until later this evening (+ the little alignement problem). I therefore profited to write this report. It's nice though for that early in the DX season to see that Venezuela is well represented and presumably Colombia on this Wensday evening of AUG 31 (SEP 1 UTC) too on 1170. By the way before going to bed that night for about 1 minute, fútbol surfaced again on 1170 with WWVA on my Sanyo, but too much WWVA for picking any words this time though.

Well, that's it for now !
I'm going try to DX a little bit if the noise did cease and sleep of course,
I may have a pretty buzzy week-end,
Just before I left, I'd appreciate if anyone have an idea on why I heard the "Radio Centro" slogan on YVQT-1110.
Keep the good DX stuff with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu (QTH: Pierrefonds - Montreal's West Island, QC) 
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