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BBC Hindi's audience in India rises:
BBC World Service has stemmed its declining radio audience in India, 
according to an independent audience survey. BBC Hindi has grown by 4.3 
million, taking the BBC's weekly Hindi audience up to 14.5 million. The 
survey, conducted in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, 
Jharkand and Rajastan, revealed that weekly listenership to the BBC 
confirms the BBC as India's number one international radio provider. The 
BBC captures 40% of all those listening to the radio in Bihar, and a third 
of radio listeners in Jharkand. In the remaining three states, just under 
one in five of radio listeners turn to the BBC Hindi Service every week.

Head of BBC Hindi, Achala Sharma, said that the increase in audience this 
year is likely to be the result of a combination of factors: "We have 
developed our programming so it connects directly with our audiences in the 
'Hindi belt'. "I am also sure that our road show marketing initiative in 
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh last year has contributed to this success." 
According to the survey, which was undertaken almost a year after the BBC 
Hindi road show ended, 16% of weekly listeners across the states said they 
were aware of the BBC Hindi events. This amounts to over 2 million people. 
The Hindi road show visited over 40 locations in the states of Uttar 
Pradesh and Bihar, giving local people direct contact with the BBC.

Controller of BBC World Service Marketing Communications & Audiences, Alan 
Booth, added: "India is a key market for the BBC. The rapid growth of TV 
viewing across India over the last 10 years, combined with India's 
broadcasting legislation which prevents news and current affairs on FM 
radio stations, has changed the media landscape. "However, we are pleased 
to see that BBC Hindi is growing in popularity in the towns and villages of 
Northern India. This survey proves that, with new programme formats and 
astute marketing, we are able to build on what had been a declining 
audience." The survey was commissioned by BBC World Service and was 
conducted by AC Nielsen between December 2004 and January 2005. (Source: 
BBC Press release 8 April, 2005)

Digital KBS Attracts World Broadcasters :
KBS has recently been designated as a service provider of terrestrial DMB 
along with MBC, SBS major terrestrial television stations  to launch the 
world?s first DMB service in Korea later this year. In conjunction with 
this, many of overseas broadcasters are visiting KBS to learn and 
experience the advanced broadcast technology. A delegation from Advanced 
Television Systems Committee (ATSC) (US) and Bouygues Group (France) 
visited KBS on March 22 and April 4 respectively. Delegates from ATSC had a 
meeting with Mr. Jung Yun-Joo, President & CEO of KBS and participated in a 
facility tour and a seminar on KBS digital broadcasting. Visitors from 
Bouygues Group, headed by Mr. Martin Bouygues, Chairman & CEO, were briefed 
on Korean T-DMB and KBS? related plans. Meanwhile, Mr. Ahn Dong-Su, 
Executive Vice President of KBS gave a presentation on KBS T-DMB technology 
& business vision at ?Chinese DMB Founding Ceremony? held in Beijing, China 
on 28-30 of March. (Source: What?s on KBS, March 2005, Vol.15)

Zimbabwe to launch 24-hour news radio station :
HARARE, April 7 (Xinhuanet) -- Zimbabwe will soon launch the New Ziana 
24-hour News Radio Station, an official said here on Thursday. The New 
Ziana head of the Electronic Services Business Unit, Happison Muchechetere, 
said everything was ready for the launch of the Radio Station with the 
equipment having been procured and installed in the studios in Gweru. He 
said recruitment of staff had been completed and rehearsals for 
broadcasting were in progress.

The Radio Station would also rely on synergies with its sister companies, 
the news agency and the community newspapers, which have an abundance of 
news gatherers, he said. On the choice of frequency for the Radio Station, 
Muchechetere said short wave was the best, as it had the longest reach. "On 
short wave we will be accessible to people within Zimbabwe and those abroad 
where our signal will reach," he said.  Muchechetere said the station would 
provide news of a Pan-African perspective 24 hours a day and seven days a 
week, targeting everyone in Africa. On the justification for another radio 
station on top of the four that the country already has, Muchechetere said 
the format was different from the existing ones, which provided news after 
every hour.
"At the moment one has to wait for an hour to hear updates of events," he 
said, citing the example of the just ended elections, which were punctuated 
with musical programs as people waited for the announcement of more 
results. "With Radio 24-7, within an hour we would have given a lot," said 
Muchechetere. He said the radio station would provide news, analyses, live 
reports from the region and the continent as well as many other news 
related programs.  There was a niche for providing news 24 hours of the day 
as people wanted to keep abreast of events instead of having to wait for 
hours, he said. Plans are underway to open up the airwaves to other players 
and end the monopoly that Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings has enjoyed over 
the years, he said. (Source : Xinhua News Agency)

Radio Netherlands launches service for foreign media:
(12 April 05)
Radio Netherlands has launched a new Media Desk in a bid to provide foreign 
news organisations with more information about current developments in 
Holland. The initiative offers background information on international and 
national issues, contacts, interviews with RNW experts and tailor-made 
clips. When foreign journalists have questions, they usually turn to RNW? 
And since we broadcast in eight languages, our journalists can address 
questions in several foreign languages,? said Editor-in-chief Joop 
Daalmeijer. RNW?s  website at www.rnmediadesk.nl offers current and 
in-depth information on a variety of topics, a database of experts working 
at RNW and useful links to sites dealing with the Netherlands. The Dutch 
international public broadcaster is an ABU member. (Source : ABU Website)

PanAmSat Signs Global Distribution Deal With CRI:
Radio Network?s 36 Channels Will Reach Listeners Around the World.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, April 11, 2005 -- PanAmSat Corporation announced today 
that it entered into a multi-year agreement with China Radio International 
(CRI), China?s sole overseas radio network. Under the terms of the 
agreement, CRI will leverage the power of three of PanAmSat?s 
satellites  the PAS-8 Pacific Ocean Region satellite, the PAS-9 Atlantic 
Ocean Region satellite and the PAS-10 Indian Ocean Region satellite. 
Through PanAmSat, China Radio International will reach listeners around the 
world in eight different languages via its 36 audio channels.

?PanAmSat will now serve as the global platform for the worldwide delivery 
of China Radio International?s programming bouquet, enabling the network to 
reach listeners on every corner of the earth,? said David Ball, vice 
president, Asia-Pacific, PanAmSat. ?This significant agreement offers CRI 
the versatility, reliability and comprehensive coverage that they need as 
they expand their service offering.?

PanAmSat will provide C-band capacity on PAS-8, PAS-9 and PAS-10 and 
turn-around service at its Napa, California teleport to facilitate the 
global distribution of CRI?s programming. The network will initially 
broadcast in eight languages and plans to expand to 39 over time. Its 
programming fare includes 200 hours of daily airtime comprised of news, 
music, commentary and entertainment.

PAS-8, an FS 1300 model satellite employing 24 C-band and 24 Ku-band 
transponders, is located at 166 degrees east longitude. The satellite 
provides comprehensive coverage of the Asia-Pacific region, including 
high-power Ku-band spot beams that cover Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and 

PAS-9, a Boeing 601 HP model satellite employing 24 C-band and 24 Ku-band 
transponders, is located at 58 degrees west longitude and offers 
comprehensive coverage of the Americas and the Caribbean. The satellite 
serves more than a dozen of the world?s most prominent international 
broadcasters and programmers who deliver their content throughout the 

The PAS-10 satellite, a Boeing 601 HP model satellite, employing 24 C-band 
and 24 Ku-band transponders, is located at 68.5 degrees east longitude and 
offers comprehensive coverage of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the 
Indian subcontinent and Asia. Many of the beams can be switched between the 
various regions, offering flexibility in the creation of new platforms for 
the delivery of video, data and IP-based services.

About China Radio International
Founded on December 3, 1941, China Radio International (CRI) is the only 
overseas broadcaster in the People?s Republic of China. Owned and operated 
by the state, its mission is to enhance friendship and understanding 
between the Chinese people and people in other countries. In addition to 
its broadcasts in 43 languages, CRI also runs multimedia websites, TV 
programs and publishing houses.

About PanAmSat
Through its owned and operated fleet of 23 satellites, PanAmSat (NYSE: PA) 
is a leading global provider of video, broadcasting and network 
distribution and delivery services. In total, the Company's in-orbit fleet 
is capable of reaching over 98 percent of the world's population through 
cable television systems, broadcast affiliates, direct-to-home operators, 
Internet service providers and telecommunications companies. In addition, 
PanAmSat supports the largest concentration of satellite-based business 
networks in the U.S., as well as specialized communications services in 
remote areas throughout the world. For more information, visit the 
Company's web site at www.panamsat.com. (Source: Press release, PanAmSat)

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