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[HCDX] Other logs....

Hello  all, several other logs not mentioned these days. 
 Something to say on my computer: Once again early last December 
the  system was  threatened  from  a FAT -file allocation table-  
modification 'emptying' directories and files. Many of the standard 
operation as printing networking ( LAN and PSTN) were stopped  
making me only making CD /DVD back up of whet remained. Hopefully 
for several days i used the older hard disk to communicate for several 
days until  I  gave the computer to the technician for upgrading my Win 
98 to XP . A minor problem happened immediately to my mail program  
Pegasus showing inconsistencies on mail folders so I  'reindexed'  all 
sub-mailboxes with the result  several mail folders to be deleted.

As mentioned in previous mail, I have already uploaded the possible ID 
of R Roj in my site. There is also a preliminary test of two Degen 1102 
models, and early and one recent.  

UKRAINE? 6245 DW relay? in Farsi 1925 S/off 1930 S9 44333 
Liangas 3th Jan 05 

Cland 6335 V of Kurdistan heard talks in Kurdish .Also on 1410 4.1 
with Kurdish/ Turkish songs . Possibly the  Kurdish clandestine  on 
6340 shifted ot this freq but there is strong QRM from 6333 a FDM 
station Signal S3-5 22332  Once again on 5th on 1510 with prg in 
Arabic. Many mentions on Kurdistan . ID by YL at 1515 as Huna Idaatu 
Sawt Kurdistan. Arab song follows.  Also on 7.1 on 1705 with S5 32332 
and songs. 

GUAM 15205 KTWR Agana , px in Indonesian on 1130 , talks and .ON 
1200 prg in Tibetan S6 max 33232 with prg of FEBA  mentioning 
address in India! Liangas 5th Thessaloniki Greece

cland 6411.22   R Komala 1505 talks by OM in Pushtu. ID by YL on 
1506 , OM with talks abt Ramadan Koran . DSB with reduced carrier 
S7 43343  QRM by jammer S/off 1530?   Liangas 5th Thessaloniki 

cland???  6310 Radio Roj/Rusha AT 1841 5.1  with talks by OM in 
seemingly azeri /kurdish   . Signal is strong S9 34433 . Signed off 
1900. On 7.1 on 1700+ man with continuous talks New tune in 1720 
with songs and 1726 a Kurdish ballad . S9 max 34443 capable to be 
listened with Kchibo C300. ON 1751 again with talks by OM 
So it seems station commenced  normal programming. 

Pirate 6220 ,1935 with old pop songs Enola Gay, Dady Cool 1942   
Signal S7-8 34443 Liangas 6th Jan 

SRI LANKA  9310 VOA 1743 in Kurdish (dialect close to Farsi) , phone 
ins and interviews with OMs Mentions on Sudan a doctor(@1754), 
xmission from Washington, Ahmed Barzani,Sri Lanka @1756  S9 on 
1745, S15 on 1755  34423. Ere dengi Amerika Kurdi and s/off 

USA 9310 WBCQ 1800 with ID  trailer "R WBCQ TV dot com,...  R 
bible "  and religious talks, News on 1836  Maximum S5  33232 LSB 
plus carrier  QRN from  Dreambox sat receiver. Liangas Jan 7th 
Thessaloniki Greece 

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102+1103 , 
c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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