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[HCDX] DX-Camp in Denmark

Hello everywhere,

together with two another DX-friends (Thomas Berner & Rudolf Schneeberger) I 
spent a fantastic DX-week in Vorupør at the west coast of Jutland from March 
12th to March 19th. Since some time we had the intention to try out our 
antenna technology at a more northern location. The idea was, to rent a 
Danish holiday-house directly at the coast. The choice of this cottage was a 
hit: A completely free standing house, without any neightbours, 800m from the 
North Sea beach, situated in a hilly dune landscape. A DXer's dream!

The antennas

We built the first two antennas still on the day of arrival: Two Beverage-
antennas of 300m length approx. 1.20m over ground, one to North America and 
the other one to South America. However our first activities were finished by 
the coming dawn of night. On the next morning the Asia Beverage was added, as 
well as a terminated elevated loop antenna (flag-antenna) and a 40m long 
wire. The feed points of the Beverage-antennas were 100m away from the cottage 
in order to avoid electrical disturbances of the house itself. Three-fold 
distributors connected with HF-amplifiers enabled access to all antennas for 
each participant.

Eldorado for mediumvave enthusiasts

In my eyes it makes no sense to go to northern situated DX-locations only for 
listening on shortwave. DXing on the tropical bands is possible almost 
everywhere, if one uses a good antenna equipment. The real advantage of the 
north is the excellent reception of transatlantic mediumwave stations, 
quantitatively as well as qualitatively! The first transatlantic east coast 
station (CJYQ) came in already at around 21.30 UTC on 930 kHz. Gradually 
further MW-stations followed from Canada, the Caribbean and the US. Almost on 
each free European MW-channel we could hear something. Due to the amount of 
audible stations we were not able at all to notice all stations and to 
identify them. On that reason the log list (see below) does not reflect the 
real situation. It only contains clearly identified and presumed stations.

In the middle of March had we in Jutland a reception opening for 
transatlantic mediumwave DX of no less than eleven hours. Beginning with fade-
in at around 21.30 UTC the last stations disappeared in the morning around 
8.45 UTC. At night the signal strengths diminished a little bit and rose 
again in the morning hours. However not only the pure quantity of audible MW-
stations was overwhelming, but also the quality of reception, particularly in 
relation to the respective transmitting power. It's hard to believe that two hours after local sunrise the 250W transmitter of AFN Keflavik came in on 1530 at 9.30 local time with O=4 (signal S7). Other Canadian or American stations partly produced signals up to S=9+10!

It can be noted generally that many transatlantic MW-stations came in better 
during the local morning hours. Due to the daylight the usual European power 
stations were less disturbing. By the way, the flag antenna had the purpose 
to suppress these Europeans. The rear zero point was put on south. Only the UK-
stations made some trouble. On the flag antenna the signals were weaker, but 
cleaner in some cases.


We had a wonderful DX-week in Denmark and fantastic conditions! The 
explanation could be as followes: Excellent antennas on the right place at 
the right time! 300m antenna-wire directly at the coast! What do you want more?

Some audio-examples can be found in the audio-clip section of my website: 

- WLAM on 1470
- WDHP on 1620
- R Bahamas with local ID on 1540
- R Andina on 4995.6
- Grønlands Radio on 3815

Here now a selection of that what we heard:


1620    WDHP Frederiksted, USVI, March 15th, 2343, local address, ID; O=4


15476   R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, March 16th, 2045, instrumental 
music, ID; O=2


2310    ABC Alice Springs, March 14th, 2055, weather forecast, ID; O=4


1540    R Bahamas, March 13th, 0120, soft pop music, ID; O=


1280    VSB2 Hamilton (presumed), March 16th, 2357, religious program, mixing 
with WCMN, O=2


6035.1  Bhutan BS, March 18th, 0100, Dzongkha, signing on, national anthem, 
Buddhist monk singing, news (presumed); O=3-4 - good signal with S=7-9; 
audible until fade out at around 0200


4409.8  R Eco, March 13th, 0005, political information, ID; O=2

4650.3  R Santa Ana, March 12th, 2350, latino soft pop; O=2

4684.6  R Paitití, March 18th, 0005, latino pop, ID; O=2 - distorted audio

4716.8  R Yura, March 18th, 0000, Andean flute music (zampoña), ID; O=3

4900.1  R San Miguel, March 16th, 0200, station closing down, address, fax-
number, national anthem (QSY from 4903); O=3

5580.3  R San José (presumed), March 18th, 0050, rosary, prayers; O=2


740       R Sociedad da Bahia, March 12th, 2230, soccer match, ID; O=2

17814.9 R Cultura, March 17th, 1920, Brasilian music; O=2


620       CKCM Grand Falls, NL, March 15th, 2307, music, VOCM-ID; O=3

640       CBN St. John's, NL, March 17th, 2220, reports, CBC Radio 1 ID; O=3

640       CFMJ Toronto, ON, March 17th, 0043, music from Lebanon, ID; O=3

650       CKGA Gander, NL, 2330, VOCM-news; O=2

710       CKVO Clarenville, NL, March 17th, 2217, oldies, VOCM-program, // 
590; O=3

740       CHCM Marystown, NL, March 16th, 0015, talk on health problems, // 
590; O=3

750       CBGY Bonavista Bay, NL, March 12th, 2245, CBC Radio 1 // 1400; O=2

800       VOWR St. John's, NL, March 17th, 2227, classical music, ID: "You are listening to radio station VOWR..."; O=3

920       CJCH Halifax, NS, March 16th, 2255, news, ID: 
"CJCH, your today's favourites"; O=2

930       CJYQ St. John's, NL, March 13th, 2205, folk songs, ID; O=4 - this station came in like a local one with sensational S=9+10!

960       CHNS Halifax, NS, March 16th, 2310, oldies, ID: "Oldies 960 CHNS"; 

1070     CBA Moncton, NB, March 16th, 2318, CBC Radio 1, // 1400; O=2

1320     CKEC New Glasgow, NS, March 16th, 2339, pop music, ID: 
"CKEC weather forecast"; O=2

1400     CBG Gander, NL, March 12th, 2255, CBC Radio 1, // 750; O=3

1420     CKDY Digby, NS, March 18th, 0700, country music, ID: 
"AVR today's best country"; O=3

1570     CKMW Winkler, MB, March 16th, 0818, country music, ID: 
"Country 1570 CKMW"; O=2

1570     CFAV Laval, QC, March 17th, 0811, French, light music, ID; O=2

6160     CBC Radio 1, March 18th, 0035, report about some aspects of Canadian 
history, ID; O=3


1521     CRI Urumqi, March 16th, 1748, Russian, news, ID; O=4


5910.1  Marfil Estéreo, March 13th, 0040, love songs, ID; O=4 - excellent 
signal with S=9+10

6010.2 La Voz de tu Conciencia, March 18th, 0145, religious program; O=3

6035    La Voz del Guaviare, March 18th, 0135, jingle, soccer match, ID; O=2


810     R Progreso, March 15th, 0801, political report, ID; O=2

820     R Rebelde, March 15th, 0558, reports, ID; O=2

1180    R Rebelde, March 15th, 0825 (!), romantic songs, // 5025; O=2


1640    R Juventus del Bosco, March 15th, 0020, religious program; O=1-2

6025    R Amanecer, March 15th, 0045, Christian songs, mixing with R 
Illimani; O=2


4815    R Buen Pastor (presumed), March 14th, 2335, Spanish & native language 
(Quechua presumed), talk, audible under the Brasilian; O=1-2

4869.2  Voz del Upano, March 14th, 2315, advertisement, news bulletin called 
"panorama informativo", ID; O=2

4919    R Quito, March 18th, 0815, latino pop, ID; O=2


5005    R Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, March 16th, 2035, Spanish, Afro pop, 
ID; O=4-5 - excellent signal with S=9+10; station also observed next day in 
French at 1930


1400    Harbour Light of the Windwards, March 13th, 2258, preacher, songs; O=3


650     Grønlands Radio, March 18th, 0215, Danish, international news; O=3

3815 USB  Grønlands Radio, March 15th, 2150, Greenlandic / Danish, the Danish 
program started at 2200, inte
rval signal, local news, Nuuk mentioned; O=3


4052.5  R Verdad, March 13th, 0050, Christian songs, ID; O


1390     HRVC La Voz Evangélica, March 15th, 0559, religious program, ID; O=2

3249.7  R Luz y Vida, March 13th, 0027, religious program, ID; O=2


189      Ríkisútvarpid, March 13th, 2040, Icelandic, talk, advertisement, 
good signal with S=9; O=4

1530    AFN Keflavik, March 18th, 0830 (!), country music, ID; O=4 - 
excellent signal of this 250 watts station; fade out at around 0845


4605    RRI Serui, March 14th, 2035, soft pop music; O=3

4790    RRI Fak-Fak, March 14th, 2045, pop music; O=2-3

4874.6 RRI Sorong, March 17th, 2150, talks, ID; O=2


3925    NSB R Nikkei, March 14th, 2050, classical music; O=3

KOREA (South)

1566    HLAZ Cheju, March 16th, 1749, Russian, religious program (presumed); 


4960    Catholic Radio Network (presumed), March 17th, 1910, endless 
instrumental music; O=1-2


3329.5  Ondas del Huallaga, March 13th, 0020, mensajes, Andean music, Huanuco 
mentioned; O=2

4386.6  R Imperio, March 13th, 0010, huanyo music, jingle, ID; O=2

4485.9  R Frecuencia VH (presumed), March 12th, 2355, huayno music, mensajes; 

4746.9  R Huanta 2000, March 12th, 2340, advertisement, information about a 
health campaign, ID: "Radio Huanta 2000, la frecuencia para servicio mejor"; 

4775     R Tarma, March 12th, 2230, commercial spot of a pharmacy in Tarma, 
ID; O=3-4

4826.6  R Sicuani, March 12th, 2325, huayno music, mensajes, ID; O=2

4835.5  R Marañón (presumed), March 12th, 2315, non stop LA-music; O=1-2

4855.3  R La Hora, March 14th, 2325, political information, advertisement; O=2-3

4950    R Madre de Dios, March 12th, 2305, rosary, ID; O=3-4

4955     R Cultural Amauta, March 12th, 2235, huayno music, ID; O=3

4995.6  R Andina, March 13th, 0025,  Andean music, mensajes, ID: 
"Radio Andina, la más potente"; O=3

5019.9  R Horizonte, March 13th, 0035, latino pop, ID; O=2

5070.7  R Ondas del Suroriente (presumed), March 12th, 2245, pasillos, 
mensajes, O=3; station faded in at around 2240 and was blocked by WWCR at 
2300; on that reason no clear ID possible

5939.3  R Melodía, March 14th, 2345, jingle, political information, ID; O=2

6173.8  R Tawantinsuyo, March 15th, 0005, political speech, ID; O=2

6193.4  R Cusco, March 18th, 0040, huayno music, ID: 
"Radio Cusco, la voz de la capital histórica"; O=2

6520.3  R Paucartambo, March 18th, 0015, mensajes, information on coming 
local events of the next week, huayno music; O=2

9504.5  R Tacna, March 18th, 0025, sports information; O=1-2


1280    WCMN Arecibo (presumed), PR, March 16th, 2357, Spanish, speech on 
financial situation of Puerto Rico, news, reports, O=2


4990    R Apintie, March 16th, 0145, Dutch, pop music, ID; O=2


820      TBN Charlestown, March 16th, 0027, religious program, TBN-ID; O=3


1557    Family Radio Taiwan, March 16th, 1643, English, religious program, 
ID; O=4


1476    R Thailand (presumed), March 12th, 2324, OM in Thai, mixing with 
Chinese station; O=2

1575    VoA, March 16th, 1657, Asian language, ID; O=3


1476   Turkmen Radio, March 17th, 0000, anthem, IDs; O=3


790     WAXY South Miami (presumed), FL, March 16th, 0134, sports talk; O=2

1030   WBZ Boston, MA, March 16th, 2321, WBZ news time, traffic news; O=3

1130   WBBR New York, NY, March 16th, 2332, business news, 
"Bloomberg weather"; O=3

1260    WMKI Boston, MA, March 14th, 0617, Radio Disney promos; O=3

1360    WKAT North Miami (presumed), FL, March 14th, psycho talk, 
advertisement, local news; O=3

1360    WDRC Hartford, CT, March 14th, 0600, ID heard in the back while 
listening to WKAT; O=2

1370    WDEA Ellsworth, ME, March 18th, 0745, nostalgic music, ID; O=3

1430    WENE Endicott, NY, March 18th, 0705, local weather, ID; O=2

1460    WDDY Albany, NY, March 18th, 0708, Radio Disney, // 1560; O=2

1470    WLAM Lewiston, ME, March 14th, 0640, ID: 
"WLAM, your music memory station"; O=3

1510    WWZN Boston, MA, March 18th, 0050, advertisement, sports talk, ID; O=4

1520    WWKB Buffalo, NY, March 18th, 0056, oldies, ID: "KB-Radio, Buffalo"; 

1540    WDCD Albany, NY, March 18th, 0715, religious program, ID; O=3 - under 

1560    WQEW New York, NY, March 18th, 0721, R Disney promos, ID: 
"AM 1560 New York"; O=4


1290     R Puerto Cabello, March 13th, 2245, latino pop, ID; O=2

1420     R Marabiña, March 15th, 0548, Latino music, ID: "Marabiña 1420"; O=3

1470     R Vibración YVSY, March 14th, 0544, Spanish, report on Cuba, ID; O=4

13680   R Nacional de Venezuela (via Cuba), March 16th, 2050, merengue music, 
ID; O=4

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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