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[HCDX] Logs and QSLs from NH-USA, April 18-23

4750, SUDAN, R.Peace, 0300-0321, April 18,
Vernacular/English, Partial ID, in Englsih, at t/in,
OM w/ vernacular talks, drums and choral music. Nice
ID at 0315, "This is Radio Peace broadcasting on 4750
kHz" followed by brief choral music and a quick, "This
is Radio Peace". Talk in language resumes. Weak but
steady with a few peaks above the static. (Barbour-NH)

4750, CHINA, Qinghai PBS,Xinging (presumed),
2242-2250, April 20, Mandarin, Weak but steady talks
by OM and YL poking through the static. Unable to
monitor for very long due to prior commitments.

4765v, BRASIL, R.Rural (presumed), 0234-0302*, April
21, Portugeuse, Ballads, talks by various OM and YLs
w/ numerous musical bits. Presumed "canned" ID at
0240, religous sounding talk over organ music at 0300
s/off, carrier until 0302. Noisy, drifting frequency,
too weak to positively ID. (Barbour-NH)

5009.78, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, R.Cristal Int'l/R.Pueblo,
0034-0122, April 23, Spanish, OM w/ lengthy religous
talks, brief classical music bits and lengthy
classical vocal music. Only IDs noted were "Radio
Pueblo" and "Radio Cristal Int'l" mentioned in passing
at 0120. Poor/fair, best in LSB. (Barbour-NH)

6957, PERU, R.LV del Campesino, 0123-0141*, April 23,
Spanish, Nice Spanish ballads, musical tones and OM w/
ultra-fast paced talks at 0130, more music until
deliberate, drawn out "Radio La Voz del Campesino"
s/off announcement w/ echo effects. Surprisingly
decent signal over static. Pleased to log this one.

7210, CYPRUS, Cyprus Broadcasting Corp.,2232-2244*,
April 18, Greek, Radio drama until Greek ballads at
2240, abruptly cut-off at 2244. Good as was // 9760.
6180 audible under co-channel Brasil. (Barbour-NH)

7385, USA, WRMI, 0230-0258, April 18, English, Vo the
NASB program w/ vintage "Radio Monitors International"
via AWR featuring the "Sound of the Maldive Islands,
Radio Maldives". Prg originally produced at AWR Pune,
India and aired via SLBC, Sri Lanka and WRNO, USA.

Very nice to hear a long since silent station. I hope
WRMI and AWR make more of these recordings available
for those of us who entered the hobby in the past few

7545, UKRAINE, R.Ukraine Int'l, 0008-0031, April 23,
English, "Ukraine Today" with rpt on Ukraine and
German conference, "Close Up" with rpts on
shareholding management and public disaster plans with
reference to Chernobyl. Fair w/ "muddy" audio, best in
LSB. (Barbour-NH)

11570, PAKISTAN, R.Pakistan, 1815-1904*, April 21,
Urdu, OM w/ talks between ballads, YL w/ talks, OM at
1838 w/ lengthy "sing-song" like chanting followed by
prayer at 1851 then Ko'ran with brief announcements at
1858, Solid ID and NA at s/off. Fair, improving
signal. (Barbour-NH)


ICELAND, AFRTS, 13855U, n/d verie e-mail w/ site
(Grindavik) in 1 day for an e-mail report to
keflavik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx V/S, Patricia Huizinga,
OIC. Also recieved a freindly e-mail from the Keflavik
Navy Chaplan, Bruce Pierce, who also operates a ham
station there. (Barbour-NH)

ISRAEL, Galei Zahal-IDFR, 6973, f/d "Microphone Man"
card with handwritten notation to try 15785 kHz and
website, www.glz.msn.co.il, in 70 days for 1 IRC.

"USA", R.Free Asia, 15680, f/d "Dalai Lama" cd. Also
received perosnal letter, schedule and RFA sticker
under seperate cover. Both is 7 days for m/s
(returned). V/S, A.J. Janitschek, Mangager. PPWBR
lists this via "Tajikistan" (Barbour-NH)

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, MLB-1, RS longwire w/ RBA balun.

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