[HCDX] MW QSL Kenya Maralal 1386 kHz
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[HCDX] MW QSL Kenya Maralal 1386 kHz

Today, I received a QSL card from KBC Maralal 1386 kHz after 25 weeks,
directly from the transmitter site's address : Maralal Radio Station, POBox
38, Maralal, Kenya.  My report was sent off by registered mail and included
an IRC.

The reply included a nice and friendly personal letter typed on a good old
typewriter, a picture postcard and a photocopy from the back of a spare QSL
card they apparently don't want to give away for obvious reasons.  The
photocopy is filled in with all details.

The enclosed letter mentioned also that the former v/s Mr. M. Ouma Ojwach in
now retired. The present Engineer in charge and v/s is Mr. Robinson W.


BTW : note the slight change in the details for DXA's anniv. programme

---------------- Guido Schotmans - Antwerp, BELGIUM -----------------------
RX: AOR AR 7030 - ANT: Wellbrook ALA 1530 outdoor active broadband loop
Narrow FM Homepage http://go.to/narrowfm or http://gallery.uunet.be/gs/
DX-Antwerp 20th anniv. px on May, 25th, 2002 0800-0900 UTC. see www.dxa.be
via Tbilisskaya (RUS) 17785 kHz (250 kW) & Sitkunai (LTU) 9945 kHz (100 kW)

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