[HCDX] New WINB Contest
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[HCDX] New WINB Contest

Shortwave station WINB in Red Lion, Pennsylvania, USA,
is marking its 40th anniversary this year.

As part of the celebration, WINB plans to run a few
contests. Here is the second-

>From April 8thth until April 26th only, A WINB pennant
will be sent to:

The five Dxers providing the best recordings of WINB. 
By best, I mean those who have heard WINB with the
strongest reception.

The five Dxers providing the most recordings of WINB. 
By most, I am looking for a combination of extensive
recordings with the best  reception possible.
You may enter as many times as you like.

In short, we will only be giving away 10 pennants,
five for the best recordings and five for the most
recordings.  All the winners will also receive the new

Your recordings can be made at the following times:

UTC Monday through Friday from 1145-1200 UTC on 9320
UTC Monday through Friday from 1615-1630 UTC on 13570
UTC Monday through Friday from 1815-1830 UTC on 13570
UTC Tuesday through Saturday from 0030-0045 UTC on
12160 kHz.  

Recording can be on standard cassettes or CD?s and
mailed to: WINB, P.O. Box 88, Red Lion, PA 17356 USA

Alternatively, you may send a real audio or MP3 files
to winb40th@xxxxxxxxx [No WAV files please.] 

While CD's and cassette recordings may be of any
length, please keep audio files between one to two
minutes long.  

WINB has never had a pennant in its 40 years.  The
pennants will only be sent to those participating in
this and other contests scheduled for this year.  


Hans Johnson
Frequency Manager, WINB

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