Re: [HCDX] ADMIN: HCDX copyright notice
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Re: [HCDX] ADMIN: HCDX copyright notice

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 05:47:26PM -0800, Keith wrote:
>  I don't know where you get the idea that what other people write and send to 
> the mail list becomes your property, but you are wrong. The copyright of any 
> article is always retained by the creator of that article. You can apply it 
> to your creations, but you can not apply them to my creations. 


Before you send these comments, please read "DSL". We don't say it becomes
our property, just opposite.

It clearly states copyright will remain author's and explains rules for 
distributing, reusing etc. 

By contributing to Hard-Core-DX you agree to these terms. If you don't -
send your emails somewhere else, like NumeroUno or CumbreDX, or
others not supporting free flow of DX information, please. 
Also, if you try to restrict it otherwise, we will not publish it.


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