[HCDX] Some station databases and -lists
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[HCDX] Some station databases and -lists

These official databases/lists of broadcasters might be of use...
Guatemala - published by SIT -Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones - lists of AM-Radio-, FM-Radio- and TV-stations are in pdf-format at:
The whole spectrum is here:
in ZIPped pdf -file.
Honduras - published by CONATEL Honduras - the whole spectrum (even Ham- and CB Operators!) in Access Database, with queries and report ready-made at:
http://www.conatel.hn/NoticiasAvisos.htm (select 'Inventario de Expedientes')
Nicaragua - published by Telcor - a list of AM- and FM -stations (no frequencies!) at:
Philippines - published by NTC - National Telecommunications Commission - lists of AM- and FM -stations in pdf- and html -formats at: 
... and one unofficial entry - but great piece of work anyhow - list of Brazilian AM- and SW -stations (with addresses!) compiled by DX Clube do Brasil at:
http://www.dxcp.com.br/ ('Lista de emssoras do Brazil', in pdf format)
73 de Pentti Lintujärvi
Helsinki, Finland
Webmaster of 1000 Lakes DX Page http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/3232/dx.htm
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