[HCDX] MW and SW with unided logs
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[HCDX] MW and SW with unided logs

1. MW LOGS ON 11 AND 13
And now a new MW log list ( 11+13/8 using the australian loop) 
Helper: Boel's MW List 

Notice: *x means S with premap +10 db on 

FRQ   DT  UTC   S SINPO	Country  stn/program /lang 
1491  11  1730  9 43423	 GR ERA1-Rhode  conection with BBC greek prg 
1512  11  1738  9 44444  GR ERA Chania  ditto 
1584  11  1747  7 32422  GR ERA Amaliada  greek fok songs
1593  11  1754  7 32422  GE RFE news, serb and ID 1754 
1503  11  1807  9 33433  SE Beograd 202 , short news reports 
1476  11  1818  8 34422  AU R1476 ? talks , rock songs , GE
1476  11  1818 <2        UAE dubai //13675 
1467  11  1824 *1 132x1  PE IRIB//15085 songs , farsi 
1449  11  1831  x 22x22  RU MAyak , refs in RR , songs  QRG: 1449.34
1449  11  1847  9 33433  IT RAI 2 , phone ins songs , italian
1431  11  1855  8 33333  IT RAI 2 ditto ( echoed) 
1422  11  1902  6 34333  RO R Rom Actual , news in Romainan 
1422  11  1903 10 32432  GE Dfunk    short news ,german 
1413  11  1907 *6 22222  SP RNE5 news, ID , ads 
1413  11  1911  3 12332  OM? BBC WS , news in EG , LSB better
1404  11  1924  9 42433  RO R Rom Actual news //1422
1404  11  1929  9 43432  GR ERA readings & plays of trad songs
1386  11  1933  3 22422  RU VOR in Eng with RR lessons 
1386  11  1931  9 44444  IRN VOIRI , YL reading  in farsi 
1368  11  1942  9 44444  IT Radio 3 man with talks in IT 
1368  11  1945  x 22222  ?? man heard in english 
1350  11  1954  9 44444  GR ERA traditional songs
1350  11  1957  x 22222  ARM? TWR ? in russian
1305  11  2012  5 32433  ALB? news in albanian 
1305  11  2015  4 34443  ?? classic music 
1287  11  2020  x 22222  ALG? channel 1 , arabic songs  under flg 
1287  11  2020  6 34443  SVK RFE in S/croat man with continuu talks 
1259  11  2040  9 43443  ALB YL with phone ins QRG 1259.9 
1259  11  2040  x 32442  ?? music hot hits , man in AR ! 
1152  11  2055  x 22222  INDIA?? OMAN>??, hindi songs , arabic talks , Whi can be?? Heard  for 10 mins and vanished 
1152  11  2100  x 23322  SP R Esp 5 , news , external reports, echoed 
1071  11  2115  2 24342  CZ R 6 OM with talks in cz 
1053  11  2118  x 22xx2  SP COPE , interviews 

 738  13  1756  8 33433  ISR , arabic songs , ID ISreal , ads
 756  13  1804  8 32422  ?? talks in Hebr , under R ROm 
 765  13  1809  8 32412  S ARAB SABC 'min Riyad'
 693  13  1814  2 214x2  IT RAI2 severe under Albania / variery prog 
 695  13  1816  - 22342  ?? arabic songs , USB only 
 648  13  1824  8 32443  BU R Plovdiv (?) , pop  songs 
 648  13  1830  7 2xxx2  AL radio ? , ads talks in AL 
 621  13  1844  5 3x433  MOL VOR in greek , severe under VoAr Egypt   
 549  13  1855  8 34333  ALB R pristina (?) in serb/alb with songs and phone ins 
 527  13  1900 *1 22342  VAT R vatican , ID IS prg in italian 
 549  13  1908 *5 23232  RU? MAyak? phone ins in RU 

Three unIDed  signals: 
3930 unIDed 1949/13.8  heard man spkg in unknown  language due to very low signal . Sinal S2 

9235 unIDed 2004/13.8 man with arabic plays and soemtimes echo sounded talks . HEard under 2 operators and pulse tone QRM/ jammer 

3922 unIDed ,2048/13.8 man in russian . Signal S6, <24132

PIrate(p) Ozone on 5813.2 at 1900 and afterwards . Very low signal just on 
marginal levels. Signal was faded up after 2010 with S6 at 10 preamp with  
songs and abt 2030 with talks in EG then songs 

Zacharias Liangas  pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas : (shortened) up: logs.htm
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm ,SINPFEMO.HTM  
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 
pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75,LoweHF150,SONY ICF7600D,YupiMVT7100,Phil2935 
antena 2x 6 m & 16 m / 1x1 m2
accesories: MFJ 1040,MFJ1025,MFJ 752c,MFJ16010,MFJ462 
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