[HCDX]: Initial thoughts on Alpha Delta Dx-Swl
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[HCDX]: Initial thoughts on Alpha Delta Dx-Swl

 Got the Alpha Delta today..the 60' version of the sloper, I'll say one
thing..it is well built. I placed it at the recommended height of 25 feet
and sloped it down to 9 feet in a North-South orientation. The antenna has
performed pretty well but it is still a little behind the horizontal loop.
Im going to give it a week in this location before experimenting with moving
it around since it does have a 100 feet feedline at the moment. I assembled
a slinky beverage this weekend so Im looking to put that up this week. I did
a quick test and it was extremely quiet. Well just thought id share the

Patrick Buckingham
Drake R8, MFJ 1045C, MFJ 941D
230 ft Horizintal Loop, Alpha Delta Dx-Swl Sloper
Davis, Ca
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