[HCDX]: translation question
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[HCDX]: translation question

Hi all,

As some of you may know, I am leading the translation part of a
documentation services agency, and we currently have a text, part
of which goes as follows:

Radio interferences:
* FCC Rules 47 CFR-part 15
* EN 60601-1-2 (1993)
* EN61000-3-3; Flicker, short term flicker PST <=1.0
*EN 61000-3-2; Harmonis. class A

Can anybody tell me what the words "Flicker" and "PST" mean in this context?
By the way, the text is a manual of a film developing machine.

Please reply to herman_boel@xxxxxxxxxxxx or via HCDX if you
think this may be of interest to other DXers.

Many thanks in advance!

Herman Boel

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