Re: [HCDX]: Trans World Radio's New Transmitter on Bonaire
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Re: [HCDX]: Trans World Radio's New Transmitter on Bonaire

At 08:57 AM 02/29/2000 -0600, you wrote:
In terms of power TWR Bonaire simply reduced their power by 6 decibals,
that translates into one measly S unit on your S-meter. Not much but lots $ in electricity cost.
The big change will be the new antenna system which should be much more effective than
the old one.
Years ago TWR 800 khz was an easy catch over CKLW here in the North East, over the years
there signal detiorated much more than the power reduction would seem to indicate.

Probably the ground system degraded.

The new antenna system should be a marked improvement.
Wonder what the pattern is, does it protect to the north?

Good luck TWR Bonaire, still a DX catch in my book.

Syracuse, NY

I used to be able to listen to it (after nulling out local 790) through XEROK fairly often. Even have some QSL casrd from the station.
Might as well see if I can still pick it up. Does anyone know if they still broadcast in english or is it spanish only now.

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