Re: [HCDX]: AOR 7030
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Re: [HCDX]: AOR 7030

You may consider an ANC 4.  The trick with an ANC 4 is that you have to use
a second antenna for the device and that antenna should be directed to the
noise source for best results.  Have never tried to kill fence noise so no
idea if it will work.  Kills computer noise and cable TV noise so would
think it might do the same for your problem.
A second possiblity is to make contact with the fence owner.  There is a
capacitor that couples the device to the fence and good possiblity it is
defective.  Also as I recall, the system is also grounded and that might be
something to check.  They can be made to work correctly without the radio
interferrence.    It might be cheaper to fix the problem than buying a new
radio.  Of course if the fence owner is not cooperative, not sure what to
say.  Maybe a baseball bat might help.  (joke)
Bob Montgomery
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Martin <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx>
To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX]: AOR 7030


Thanks for the info on the 7030 NB. I am trying to find a receiver or
add on that will remove (totally) the clicking  from the fence. The R8
works pretty good except near strong signals.  Like if there is a local
on 1370 KHZ (KAST-Astoria,OR), then tune into a signal on 1360 khz or
1380 khz and you hear the clicking. The R8*s noise blanker in automatic
as it turns off  near strong signals. It was driving me nuts the other
night when KXOL-1660 was off running an open carrier, the noise blanker
was off because of KXOL's strong carrier, so in listening to WQSN under
the OC, the click click click every second was rough. There must be a
way to rid myself of the noise.


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