Re: [HCDX]: RFO Tahiti
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Re: [HCDX]: RFO Tahiti

>At 07:00 UTC when close WYFR I don´t heard RFO on 15170 KHz, at that time
>channel is empty. With a good propagation in grey line is posible hear
>RFO???? I think yes.
>Jordi Brunet, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalunya-Spain

Dear friend,
I am afraid that the "greyline" propagation works on low frequencies only,
15 MHz is a bit too high, is not it?
And - what it sometimes forgotten - if the propagation should be effective,
both parts (receiver and transmitter) must be inside the "grey zone". A good
example could be watched at the equinox around March 21 when Central Europe
and Hawaii were "connected" by the grey zone at around 0600 UTC: the Sun was
rising in Europe and at the same time it was sinking in Hawaii.
There are PC programs calculating grey lines, some of them can alert you on
the grey line existence between your QTH and some interesting part of the
world when you switch your PC on.
Another PC program - Geoclock - also shows greyline zones.


Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic
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