[HCDX]: DX-news outside our magazines
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[HCDX]: DX-news outside our magazines

My handbook is also constantly a matter of "thefts". The
>German ADDX stole a large part of the information I have compiled  for
>their FM handbook "UKW-Almanach" without giving me ANY credit.  Recently a
>Danish radiostation has been using my handbook for their homepage.
>Yes I could call my lawyer and spend some ten thousends of DKK to have this
>stopped. I did so in 1990 when a Danish daily newspaper, Politiken,
>published parts of my book without giving any credit. 
>Stig Hartvig Nielsen    
I am very glad to see that there are persons, journalists.. who want to
spread DXing outside the DX-magazines. Examples show that a lot more than
the serious DX-ers are interested especially if the articles are
well-written ...
I want to mentioned some general aspects when collaborating with
newspapers, radio stations and media;

1) if you notice that a newspaper is interested in your work, you have
already a good reference, benefit from that!
2) you might reach an agreement by negotiating with them, maybe they are
interested in collaborating in some way,
3) or you can go to the competitor and collaborate with them showing the
reference from Politiken and whatever newspaper.
4) newspapers might have their own opinion of layout etc, they normally do
not accept the contents just as it is presented. This should be just OK if
you want to earn some money and not too strictly demanding your own layout
and way of thinking
5) lawyers to be kept outside! Remember that newspapers, and media in
general are closely following this kind of activity against themselves.
Here media reacts as a group since it is in their own interest to find out
what is possible and not, to write and to do. Fighting actions just give a
bad reputation and may destroy something for the next person who wants to
write/talk about DXing...after all it is the lawyers then who earn money...
6) Collaborating with DX-magazines;
Why are items from e.g Glenn Hauser's DX-news more often handled in the
right way? - is it because he is very well known? Make yourself wellknown
in as many DX-magazines as possible. It costs merely nothing to send a
small notice about yourself and your work to DX-magazines directly, telling
even that you want to sell a book, statistics and whatever. If it is
considered of interest DX-magazines will publish the information, if it
isn't interesting they would neither copy anything from it. This is the
best way of benefitting from DX-magazines, since they earn no many and
cannot buy your articles. 
My own experience is that if a DX-editor in any magazine knows who you are,
he will also credit you for various DX-News items, but when this news item
then is copied in other magazines the name will be forgotten after a while.
Because it doesn't fit to mention 5 intermediate DX-sources just to tell
500 members that Radio Minurca has changed frequency from xxx kHz to xxy
kHz recently. 
By going into internet all DX-editors could find the source directly and
credit the right person, so this media is perfect for everyone who cares
about those things...

Per-Ole Stenman, Jakobstad, Finland 

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