Re: [HCDX]: HCDC members New York
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Re: [HCDX]: HCDC members New York

>  For several years now I am trying to get a QSL from WINS 1010,
>  but alas enough without any result.
>  Is there a HCDX member living in New York who can help me to get
>  that QSL from WINS?
>  I know New York is a great city,but posible a member is not to far
>  away living from station adress "888 7th Ave"?

Although I'm not from New York, I have some experience on this station: I
have sent WINS numerous reception reports without getting a reply. Finally
this May I was travelling through New York and made an appointment with
Mr. Mark Olkowski, Engineering Manager for WINS and all CBS-affiliated
stations in NYC (at the address you mentioned). He showed me around the
station and wrote verifications for me and my friend. He is a friendly
fellow, but not too eager to spend time with the huge amount of reports
he's getting. Anyway, he's clearly the only one in charge of sending out
QSLs, so reports should be addressed to him. Then again, visiting him
personally may be the only way to actually get a QSL...

The address by the way is located in midtown Manhattan, not really a
residential neighborhood, but surely a place which all tourists visit.

Mika Makelainen

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