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This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1997  Part  1
Year  2   Number 34  - Rome,  20 August  1997 
QTH: via Francesco Belloni 50-00147 Roma (EUR) Italy
PHONE: +39 6 5126255 
FAX: +39 6 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright 1997 - newsletter edited by 
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.

                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter, 
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of  
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted, e-mailed and / or transmitted with 
    appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission. 
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. 
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please, 
    drop me a line.   
loggings in order of  time;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;  
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local 
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor; 
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)



FRANCESCO CLEMENTE -  RADIORAMA on Web. A new radiomedia is
born....After 9 months pregnancy, one day more or less, it is finally
born!  The name is Radiorama on Web, to be activated at the address:  <
http://www.radiorama.it > 51 pages for this Version 1.0 of general
information on radiolistening, on Radiorama and A.I.R. The Italian
Radiolisteners Association and the services especially aimed at DX for
the active radiolistener. Visit us and let down your message!  Radiorama
on Web < http://www.radiorama.it > Radiorama - Panorama Radiofonico
Internazionale, Casella Postale 873, I-34100 Trieste, Italia.E-Mail 
radiorama@xxxxxxx  ---A.I.R. - Associazione Italiana Radioascolto,
Casella Postale 1338, I-10100 Torino A.D., Italia. E Mail: air@xxxxxxxxx
--- RadioDXNet Clemente&Castagnone,  fclemente@xxxxxxx,
pierocas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --- Best experienced with MS Internet Explorer

CO.RAD. - (Coordinamento Radioascolto, Italy) new web site <
http://www.net4u.it/ari/corad.htm >  (via Play DX # 944  July 28 )

TAKAYUKI INOUE NOZAKI - RADIO NUEVO MUNDO 19th anniversary pennant is
now available. The newest pennant is green with yellow/white lettering.
The price is $5 or 5IRCs for overseas. (\500 for member in Japan). Order
to: TAKAYUKI INOUE NOZAKI QTH: 18-11 Fuzimi-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
#192 JAPAN. Internet: QZY07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

THOMAS R. SUNDSTROM - For those with Windows 95 and an audio system, the
new Microsoft Bookshelf 98 CD-ROM reference is now available (at least
in the USA). For Dxers seeking a source of national anthems, here it is.
Clicking on a map pops up a window with the country's flag... and an
option to play the anthem. We were surprised to find anthems for Vanuatu
and Palau amongst others in the south Pacific. (Sundstrom-NJ)

DJACI  FRANKLIN SOARES DA SILVA - <djaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Real
Audio. Hi Friends, I am looking for a shareware software to  record or
convert files in Real Audio mode. Please, help me! 73's Djaci Franklin
Silva < www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/6731 > <
www.amazon.com.br/~djaci > < djaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > < djaci@xxxxxxxxxxx >


Amigos, a modo de RECORDACION, les re-envio este mensaje sobre el
Concurso del SWLCS que comienza en el dia de hoy 15/08/97. Seguidamente,
las BASES del SWLCS-DX-CONTEST 1997: Concurso DX Mundial 1997 del SWLCS.
En ocasion del 25 DX-camp internacional 1997 del SWLCS, desde el 22 al
24 de Agosto 1997, a realizarse en el Cenrto de Onda Corta del SWLCS en
Merhweiler/Saar, Alemania; el SWLCS - Shortwave Listeners Club Saar esta
organizando un concurso mundial: CONDICIONES DE PARTICIPACION: Duracion
del Concurso: Desde el 15 de Agosto al 8 de Septiembre 1997. Rango de
Frecuencias: 150 khz hasta 30.000 khz. Tiempo de Escucha: Al menos 15
minutos por cada emisora. Participacion: Abierto a todos los diexistas
del mundo sean o no socios  del SWLCS. Diplomas del Concurso: Otorgados
de acuerdo al numero de emisoras escuchadas.Cada participante recibira
un diploma  multicolor en ocasion del presente concurso y ademas se
extenderan diversos premios sorpresas. Gastos de participacion: US$ 8  
o    6 IRC's Fecha de cierre: 13 de Septiembre fecha de matasellos de
correo. Los participantes deberan enviar sus propios formularios de
informes de recepcion sobre las emisoras que se mencionan seguidamente
(debera ser un formulario de reporte por cada emisora) en aleman o
ingles.Todos los reportes deberan ser enviados juntamente con el importe
de derecho a participar, envios por separado no son aceptados. Despues
de una evaluacion, todos los reportes seran enviados por el SWLCS libres
de gastos para los participantes, a todas las emisoras. LISTA DE LAS 25
EMISORAS A ESCUCHAR: Radio Austria Internacional --- Radio Slovakia
International --- Radio Vlaanderen International --- Radio Budapest ---
TWR, Trans World Radio --- AWR, Adventist World Radio --- Voice of
Russia --- BBC - London --- Radio Praga --- Radio Ukraine International
--- Radio Suiza Internacional --- Voice of Turkey --- Radio Japan ---
Korean Broadcasting System --- Radio Vatiacana --- China Radio
International --- Voice of Free China, Taiwan --- Voice of Islamic
Republic of Iran --- Radio Pyongyang --- HCJB, Quito, Ecuador --- Voice
of Grecia --- Deustche Welle --- Radio Polonia --- Radio Suecia --- y
RADIO MINSK, solamente el 23 y 24 de Agosto 1997!  Direccion de los
organizadores del concurso: SWLCS-Contest-department c/o Helmut Fahsel
Pralat-Schutz-Str. 25 D-66540 NK-Wiebelskirchen ALEMANIA --- SWLCS
Shortwave Listeners Club Saar P.O. Box 1170 D-66549 Illingen/Saar
ALEMANIA  (via Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Argentina)

NORDX'97. DX-Listeners' Club of Norway are happy to invite all DXers to
this year's Nordic DX Championships, Nordx '97.The contest will be
staged during the weekend from Friday, October 17 to Sunday,October 19.
As usual,individual DXers from non-Nordic countries may also compete and
be eligible for prizes,although the official Nordic Championship is of
course restricted to competitors from Norway,Denmark,Sweden and
Finland.DX-ers from other countries are requested to mail a written VISA
authorisation to DXLC at the address below, authorizing us to draw NOK
75,- from yourÿ account.Please remember to include full name,account
number,expiry date and signature.  Alternatively, non-Nordic
participants may pay NOK 100,- into postal giro account no.0804
5520960,at Nordx '97,DXLC,PO Box 7080 Vestheiene,N-4602
Kristiansand,Norway.(The surcharge is to cover giro charges.)You may
also send NOK 100,- or USD 15,- in cash,or16 IRCs. For your
information,the current exchange rate is 1 USD = NOK 7,08 / 1 GBP = NOÿK
11,44 / 1 DEM = NOK 4,171). The deadline for registrations is September
30.(Registrations are also accepted after this date,but at the entrant's
own risk:No refunds will be aÿvailiable should the schedule not reach
you in time for the contest!).DXLC will endeavour to compile a
challenging, varied and interesting sheduleÿ for Nordx'97,if possible
including one or two special treats.To avoid miÿssing out on those
special QSLs,make sure you register in time! There will be a wide range
of radio related prizes,with one of the major prizes being drawn from
among all contestants submitting logs,regardless of final championship
rankings.All correspondence should be addressed to: Nordx'97,DXLC,PO Box
7080 Vestheiene,N-4602 Kristiansand,Norway,or the following E-mail
address <nordx@xxxxxxxx>.We also have a web page up and ruÿnning,which
will carry updated information about the contest: <
http://www.dxlc.com/nordx/ >(Bernt Erfjord,DX-NEWS,13 August via EDXP #

Thank you  for all our Contributors !

AL QUAGLIERI, Albany, NY - USA   for NASWA LN  August 97 & Sept 97 (
Listener s Notebook)      via e - mail
BOB HILL, Littleton, MA - USA for DX Report via e-mail   RX: Sony
ICF-2010 with Kiwa filters  - an old Radio West ferrite loop ANT: a
dipole about 75 meters long and about 12 meters
BOB PADULA, Surrey Hills, Victoria - Australia  for EDXP # 56 #  57  #
58 and # 59  via e - mail  < http://www.wp.com/edxp/  >
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) - Italy  for Radiorama-Pirate News
July #  3 # 4 August # 1 # 3  via e - mail    RX:  Kenwood  R-5000 -
Yaesu FRT-7700  ANT:  15 meters LW - 12 meters dipole - loop & Daiwa AF
- 606K filter <  http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > < 
http://www.radiorama.it >
BRIAN BOULDEN, Fairfield, CA-USA  via e-mail  RX: Sangean ATS 909 ANT:
long wire and MFJ 956Tuner.  http://www.community.net/~boulden
DSWCI - ShortWave  News (SWN), Denmark  August 1997
DAVID CLARK (DMC), Thornhill, Ontario, Canada via e-mail  RX: Drake R8  
ANT: Carolina Beam + JPS ANC-4 noise phaser
DAVID  J. VALKO,  USA  via e-mail   RX: JRC NRD-535D - Collins R-388    
ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
ERIC BUENEMAN, Hazelwood, MO - USA   RX: Sangean ATS-803A  - Realistic
DX-400  ANT:  MFJ-1778 G5RV
FRANCESCO CLEMENTE, Udine - Italy  via e-mail - RADIORAMA, Italian 
mounthly <  http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > < 
http://www.radiorama.it >
GABRIEL IVAN BARRERA, Buenos Aires - Argentina via e-mail 
GIOVANNI SERRA, in Cincinnato-Anzio (prov. of Roma) (ed.) Summer QTH 
RX:  Sony ICF 2001 D   ANT:  Alpha Delta DX SWL- Sloper  (60 feet)
------- in Roma - Italy   RX:  JRC NRD 525     ANT:  Alpha Delta DX
SWL-S Sloper  (40 feet)  & JPS NIR 10 filter
GLENN HAUSER ( GH ) , Enid OK - USA  for  SW/DX Report 97-07 July 24 -
97-08 July 31 and 97-09 Aug 14-15 via e-mail < http://www.hotmail.com>
GRAEME  R. DIXON, Auckland - New Zealand via e-mail  RX: Yaesu FRG-8800
- Sangean ATS909    ANT.: Vertical  - Longwires
JUICHI YAMADA, Chiba - JAPAN     for Jembatan DX  #  26  # 27  via
e-mail   RX:  NRD-525      ANT:   AN-1.
LAURIE BOYER, New Zealand   via e-mail RX: Sony 6800W    ANT.: 130
Metres Long 9 Metres High Pointing E.N.E. Longwire.
MARIE LAMB, Brewerton NY - USA  via e-mail  DX-ing with Cumbre
MARK VELDHUIS, Borne, The Netherlands via e-mail    RX: AOR AR7030 - JRC
NRD-535 - Lowe HF-150 -Sony ICF-SW7600G   ANT: Appr. 20 meter longwire +
PAUL ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand via e-mail       RX: Drake SPR-4     
ANT: from home 2 x 25 metre dipoles in a V -  from Waianakarua, 3 x 300m
Beverages aimed at the USA, 1 x 450 metre aimed at South America and 1 x
300m aimed at Hawaii/Alaska.
PLAY DX, Milano - Italy  #  944  28 July 1997        
RADIORAMA, Trieste - Italy , The monthly magazine of AIR-Associazione
Italiana Radioascolto # 7/97
TAKAYUKI INOUE NOZAKI  (TIN) , Tokyo - Japan  for Relampago DX  03/08 
via e-mail   RX:      ANT.:   Welcome !
THOMAS R. SUNDSTROM, Vincentown,  NJ - USA ( via e - mail )  RX: JRC NRD
535  - Lowe HF-150    ANT: 100m inverted-L, top about 30m off the ground
(for NRD 525 ) - 25m wire running vertically into the top of a tree (
for Lowe HF-150 ) TRS Consultants < http://www.trsc.com
>                         < Contributing Editor, Radio Netherlands' (www.rnw.nl) Media Network > < Contributing Editor, "Radio and Communications", ACP Syme Magazines > < Contributing Editor, Radio, Suite 101 (www.suite101.com) >
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki - Greece (via e-mail)   RX:  Lowe HF
150 - Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT:  6 meters sloper  ATU hand
made  - 11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward   < 
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas/central.htm  >
< http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html  > (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )

Copyright Notice: Republication of  EDXP information by groups and
individuals who do not receive it directly is not permitted

SW TIPS (TIME - Freq - Country)

0002- 4830- VENEZUELA- R Tachira , 0002 , 1-8 , OM with ads , Sanish ,
22332 heard better then thee sister in 4980 ! ---LIANGAS, Greece 

0004- 5005- NEPAL- R. Nepal  0004  Test tone till 0011, when monotonous
theme preceded 0015 s/on with talk by man.  Followed with local music
till woman took over at 0020.  Very weak and hammered by QRN.  Signal on
7164.4 may have been parallel, but it was too poor to be sure. ---HILL,
MA USA Aug. 15

0009- 4790- PAKISTAN- R Pakistan , 0009, 1-8 ,in Urdu with OM speaking ,
44444    ---LIANGAS, Greece 

0018- 9655- THAILAND- R Thailand  // 9690 (new?) , 0018, 1-8 , prg in
english with news For 9655 at 32333 under DW RR service    ---LIANGAS,

0023- 11794.3- BRAZIL- R. Guaiba  0023  Most likely this up from nominal
11785 carrying interviews and seeming sports-related chatter in
Portuguese // 6000.  Pips and ad string at 0030, then back to talk. 
---HILL, MA USA  Aug. 15  

0030- 15395- THAILAND- R. Thailand  *0030  After being on 15370 for at
least the past year, R. Thailand has moved here for the 0030-0100
English transmission, followed by Thai. Signal is invariably about ten
times better than any other from South or East Asia on 19M. ---HILL,
MA-USA, July15/ DX Report

0031- 4800- INDIA- Hyderabad 0031, 1-8 ,with slow religious music ,
43444    ---LIANGAS, Greece 

0048- 5010- INDIA-  AIR Thiru..., 0048-0105, Great subcont. Hindi mx by
W, W anncr briefly ending the pgm, deadair, then M anncr and usual 2
minute inspirational message by M and W w/mx bridges, and into
nx-sounding pgm at 0100.  Fairly good.  4860 and 4920 hrd weakly as
well.  Also hets on 4800, 4790.4, and 4902. ---VALKO, USA 31 July

0138- 5960- JAPAN- Radio Japan 01:38 in English,  Some Fading. OM and YL
talking about Interval signals. Children's Choir sings the internal
signal from Radio Japan. ---BOULDEN, CA, USA  AUG 3, 1997 

0150-5789.84- PERU- R. Master (pres.), 0150-0245, Live OA Campo mx, M
finally at 0158, more mx.  Long tlk pgm 0202-0237 w/M anncr only. 
Definite ments of "Amigos oyentes", "...centra ??  camposina...", and
possible ments of Madre de Dios, and palabra (a religious pgm??). 
Canned excited M at 0237 w/ment of "...la voz de ?? ", followed by live
M anncr, and LA romantic ballad.  Just a little too weak and too much
QRN.  Also hrd in the mornings around 1000 on the same freq. ---VALKO,
USA 30 July

0256- 6550- LEBANON- R Voice of Lebanon, 0256, fair signal in clear at
sign-on with Interval Signal then march tune and multi-ligual idents.
---ORMANDY, New Zealand  Aug 10

0259- 6752- RUSSIA- Mayak feeder?, 0259, unidentified location, presume
this to be an AM feeder, weak signal definite Mayak Interval Signal,
then news in Russian. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand  Aug 10

0307- 5800- UNID-  Unidentifed Arabic language station, 0307, possibly
clandestine as therewere quite a few dis-affected bubble-jammers on
adjacent frequencies. Read about this somewhere but the bells
aren't-a-ringing. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand Aug 10

0345- 11620- TAJIKISTAN-  Radio Tajikistan, English, until sign off at
0359 UT. 252  YL announces the station as: "This Is Radio Tajikistan's
International Service" ---DIXON, New Zealand 29/7

0412- 7485- NORWAY- Radio Norway 04:12, in English, OM reading the news.
Story about farmers being prosecuted , followed by  sports. Poor
Reception with lots of crossover. ---BOULDEN, CA, USA  Aug 3, 1997

0458- 4919- ECUADOR- Radio Quito 04:58 in Spanish, Spanish version of
American song. Clear ÿreception. Three tones heard on the hour followed
by commercials. ---BOULDEN, CA, USA   Aug 3, 1997

0500- 5085- USA-  WGTG , Copperhill, TN, in USB English religion to sign
off 0515 UT. Om advised listeners to re-tune to 9440 kHz, though not
heard in Auckland. 252 ---DIXON, New Zealand 29/7

0520- 4915- PERU- Radio Cora de Peru, 01/08, 0520,  Good in Spanish
---BOYER, New Zealand

0540- 4832- COSTA RICA- Radio Reloj 01/08 0540,  Good with popular
Spanish songs ---BOYER, New Zealand

0559- 3222- TOGO- Radio TV Togolaise, 0559, pr-fr & clear w/Abba song,
brief id in vern, then drum music and news in French. ---ORMANDY, New
Zealand July 13

0626- 4775- PERU- R Tarma, 0626, presume the one here with dance
contest, all tropical tunes, heard past 0700. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand
July 13

0703- 4985- BRAZIL-  R Brazil Central, 0703, presumably just after
sign-on, many "Bom dias" and program run-down. Good signal. ---ORMANDY,
New Zealand July 13

0703- 9810- KIRIBATI- R Kiribati, 0703, Sunday church-service, female
minister with hymns in Islands style. Transmitter fault had station
going off air for half a second on occasion. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand 
July 13

0714- 6063.8- COLOMBIA- Colmundo, 0714, with full identification
includsing "..y 6065 kiloHertzios en onda corta por todo el mundo".
---ORMANDY, New Zealand July 13

0743- 4800.1- ARGENTINA- R Armonia, 0743, had seen this reported in
Cumbre before and never heard much else but a carrier though tonight
signal was remarkably clear though weak, not as strong as 3200h. Had
jazzy songs, e.g. Benny Goodman 's "Take the A Train". Now to hear the
fundamental! ---ORMANDY, New Zealand July 13

0745- 9775- USA- Voice Of Greece via VOA/Delano,English. Appeared to
either change beam heading or signed off at 0800 UT. 454 ---DIXON, New
Zealand 30/7

0758- 9705- NIGER- La Voix du Sahel, Niamey 0758-0803 Native music,
French ID with "...station regionale du Zinder", talk in vernacular.
SINPO: 23443   ---VELDHUIS, The Netherlands July  20

0801- 15380- NORTH MARIANA- KFBS Saipan, 0801, 2-8saying on
traansmission on Bayar language and address in Indonesia , 22232 some
prays in 0827   Liangas Greece

0805- 7284.4- MALI- ORTM, Bamako 0805-0808 Very weak here with native
music. Nothing on 11960 kHz., 9633.9 strong as usual ---VELDHUIS, The
Netherlands July  20

0805- 15125- TAIWAN- CBS Taiwan , 0805 ,2-7 , OM + YL speaking news then
laughs over light music , 24222    ---LIANGAS, Greece 

0810- 6125- ECUADOR- HCJB 01/08 0810,  English Fair ---BOYER, New

0810- 9705- NIGER- LV Sahel , 0810 , 2-7 , hilife songs , 0815 a program
presentation in vernacular ,44434  ---LIANGAS, Greece 

0813- 6090- ANGUILLA- Caribbean Beacon, 0813, Dr Gene Scott preaching,
in clear, no sign of Esperanza. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand  Aug 10

0819- 6200- COSTA RICA- RFPI 0819, noted here ex-7580, 6205. Not as
strong as either former channels and considerably lower signal than
7385. ---ORMANDY, New Zealand Aug 10