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THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1997  Part  3

NAMIBIA - NBC on 3270 and 3290, V/s P. Schachtschneider, manager
transmitter maintenance. (R.W.Grimm in Arividade DX # 51, February 97,
Brazil / Play DX # 944  28 July )

PARAGUAY - R.Nacional on 9735, V/s Fermin Espinola, dir. general, after
5 years, 6 months of tentatives and F/ups !!! NEW QTH: BLAS GARAY 241, C
/. ITURBE, ASUNCION. (J.Oscarsson, Sweden in Distance 8/97 / Play DX #
944  28 July )

PARAGUAY - R.Nacional on 9735, letter, tourist info in 290 days for 1
USD. (M.Gatzke, Germany M.Gatzke, Germany  / DSWCI SWN 08/97)

PHILIPPINES - FEBC Radio Int. on 11635, QSL, letter, schedule V/s renato
C.Valentin in 60 days (L.B.Fiora, Italy  / Radiorama 7/97)

SERBIA - Radio TV Serbia on 7200 (former Yugoslavia), QSL, schedule old
radio Yugoslavia in 130 days. (L.B.Fiora, Gral Liguria, Italy / Play DX
# 944  28 July )

SINGAPORE  -The Singapore Post has just returned my reception report to
BBC Far Eastern Relay Station (3915 kHz), due to "Old P.O. Box," so
DX'ers are advised to not use this address anymore. (deCastro-BRZ /
NASWA LN August 97)

SINGAPORE - SBC R 1 on 5052, fd QSL card, schedules, sticker, report
form, info in 26 days ( M.Mitsuaki, Japan / DSWCI SWN 08/97)

SOUTH AFRICA - World Music R.  (Sentech) on 6290, folder QSL card in 9
days (M.Gatzke, Germany M.Gatzke, Germany  / DSWCI SWN 08/97)

SOUTH AFRICA - R.Sonder Grense (Sentech) on 3320, folder  QSL card in 5
weeks ( A.F.Llorella, Spain / DSWCI SWN 08/97)

SOUTH  AFRICA - 6290 WMR, full data QSL card in 96 days by an Email
report to Mr. Nielsen for the test transmission on May 10th, posted from
Denmark. (Barrera, Argentina)

TAJIKISTAN - R.Netherlands (Dushambe) on 4965, QSL in 125 days, V/s
Asbari N. Krisna (DX section Indonesian) (L.B.Fiora, Gral Liguria, Italy
/ Play DX # 944  28 July )

URUGUAY - Em Ciudad de Montevideo on 9650, QSL card, sticker in 19 days
( T.H. Ekblom, Denmark / DSWCI SWN 08/97)

USA - WRMI, Radio Miami International 9955 kHz, 0330UT,English, 2 IRC's,
Sent: 6/6/97 Received: 31/7/97 V/s Jeff White (Dixon, New Zealand)

USA - (pirate) Radio Metallica Worldwide (6955 kHz)-QSL card in six
weeks for 32 cents postage. (Bueneman-MO, USA)

ZAMBIA - ZBC on 4910, QSL V/s Luke Z. Chikani in 303 days for 1 USD
(Luca Zazzeri, Italy /Radiorama 7/97)

ZAMBIA - Christian Voice on 3330, V/s B. Phivi. (R.W.Grimm, Brazil in
Atividade DX # 51, Brazil / Play DX # 944  28 July )


ALASKA - [non] The August NASWA Listeners' Notebook has an item from
Nikolay Rudnev, Russia, that KNLS is broadcasting Radio Free Asia at
2100-2200 in Chinese on 11765, 2200-2300 Korean on 11785, 2300-2400
Chinese on 11785. Since this would be a new xmtr site for RFA, I asked
Mike Osborne of KNLS to confirm this; I expected a pro-forma denial or
no-comment, but instead he absolutely denies this in E-mail of July
29:    "KNLS hasn't in the past, and is not now providing air time to
any other organization. KNLS is absolutely not the source of the
transmissions you listed [as above]. There have been discussions with
several other organizations about such a possibility, but I don't expect
anything  to happen soon, if at all."    This makes us wonder about
source of Rudnev's info--or is it disinfo? Another RFA item originating
with Nagoya DXers Circle, via Electronic DX Press, attributes the same
transmissions to VOA Delano--but I doubt this too as I am not hearing
them as would be expected from there. Furthermore also in August LN
Rudnev lists more RFA transmissions via another new site in Mongolia, in
Burmese, Korean, Vietnamese--not Chinese!!--but this must also be
questionable (Glenn Hauser, World of Radio 904/ SW/DX Report  97-08,
JULY 31)

ALASKA - The question of whether KNLS is transmitting Radio Free Asia
has now been resolved thanks to this further note from Mike Osborne: "I
owe you an apology. It seems that KNLS is broadcasting for RFA and has
been doing so since January. In December I left the full time staff and
now provide English language programming to the ministry as a contract
service. I work out of my home. Obviously, I'm a little further out of
the loop than I thought." (WORLD OF RADIO 906 / SW/DX Report 97-09 Aug

ARGENTINA - Here the following information about a MW station from La
Plata city that broadcast on Sundays (local time day) through SW
frequencies his programme called "De Coleccion" (of collection) in
Spanish and in // to the MW frequency of 1270 khz, on Sun *2300 up to
Mon 0200 hours. This programme is beamed to Antarctica on SSB mode. The
station is only in one or two of the following frequencies, please look:
3390, 4469, 5400, 5415 & 8098 khz. When there is soccer transmissions,
the transmission of the programme start with some time delay. (This
information is supplied by Raymundo Cruz from La Plata city, and
according to Jorge Aloy, the station also is on 13361 or 13365 khz). I
talked by phone today with Mr. Jorge Bourdet, editor of the programme,
and he inform me that between 0115-0130 hours, they have a phone contact
with his listeners directly to the air in a segment called "charla con
los oyentes, la distancia tiene premio" (talking with the listeners, the
distance have award) at the phone number 54-21-270507,or 54-21-216607
where the award is a cassette recorded with this same conversation that
after is sent to the listener. The well of this new, is that the
programme will confirm all reception reports about this transmission on
SW frequencies with a very nice LS11 QSL with full details (as freq.,
date & time). A good chance for to confirm other argentine station on
SW. Please send your reception reports to: "De Coleccion"; Sr. Jorge
Bourdet; Casilla 96; 1900-La Plata; Argentina, and please, include 2 IRC
s. As final comment, Mr. Jorge Bourdet also is in charge for the
programme "Con cierto estilo" (with certain style) broadcast from Mon to
Fri at 2200-0000 on the same station. (Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Argentina)

BOLIVIA - SIM (formerly "Sudan Interior Mission," ELWA's parent), along
with some other missions and organizations, is building a Quechua-lang.
Stn in Cochabamba, to be SW at first, maybe local FM later. Stn name
sounded like (phonetically) Radio Montochaski ("New Messenger" in
Quechua). They have done many studies and much planning already, and
license request is presently pending with the govt. Will be a
state-of-the-art facility, with studios in town, tx 13-14 km away,
line-of-sight; "H" antenna, 6 m. off the ground, signal to be beamed
straight up rather than going for distance (a la Australian NWT svc, and
R. El Buen Pastor -- Jerry Berg / EDXP # 58).

CHINA PR - Mainland. Good reception of various services during the
Eastern Australian morning period: 4800 Minorities Service - Mongolian
*2200/ 5420 4190 9775 --- 7360 CRI-Spanish *2200-2230 --- 7435
CRI-Portuguese (NF) 2200-2230 //6950 --- 7335 CRI-French 2200-2230
//5250 7110 7800 9820 --- 5295 CNR-Network 1 Chinese 2200-2230 // 5915
7100 --- 7620 CNR-Taiwan Service Chinese 2215-2230 // 9380 --- 9170
CNR-Network 6 (Chinese World) Chinese 2210-2230 //11000 --- 6035 Kunming
(Yunnan BS) Chinese *2230-2300+ (Bob Padula, 26 July/EDXP # 57).

COMOROS - I have a talk with the Director  of R.Comoro on line and he
told me that they have Technical problem with their Short wave
transmitter and hope to be on the AIR in two months time. The Frequency
is 3331 KHz from 0600-0000 COMOROS TIME  - That is  from 0300-1900 UTC
in French - Arabic and Comoro language. STATION PHONE NUMBER IS : 269 73
25 31  (Vahgee-Madagascar/NASWA LN Sept 97)

GREECE -[non] Voice of Greece relays via VOA Delano and Greenville
started July 19. We have been predicting this would happen for almost a
year. Ironically, the first two minutes of Communications World on
7768.5-USB at 1230 were replaced by Greek mistakenly, and VOA CW was
joined just as Kim was talking about the schedule. The 1200-1350 on 9590
(not 9550) from Greenville has some co-channel QRM at first, but then
pounds in, including English news at 1340 with awkward phrasing such as
"The today's session...".  The 1830-2200 broadcast on 11730 from Delano
also booms in, including English news at 1840 and 2000, but why the
Balkan languages before 2000? Weaker on //17745 Greenville to LAm (Glenn
Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 903/ SW/DX Report 97-07 July 24)

INDONESIA - RRI Biak on 6153.6kHz reactivated in the beginning of
August. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN / Jembatan DX # 26) 

INDONESIA - RRI Bukittinggi on 3231.8kHz reactivatedin the beginning of
August.  (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN / Jembatan DX # 26) 

INDONESIA - Have you ever listened to Radio Republik Indonesia on the
tropÿical bands and wondered what the studios look like?  Now it's all
on the web! The YB0RMI Indonesian Radio Web contains: Radio Republik
Indonesia studio and transmitter photos, links to Live Broÿadcasts via
the Internet, and domestic FM station homepages (most are in English!) <
http://www.qsl.net/yb0rmi > (that's a zero in the callsign) Please check
it out! When I'm able to visit more cities around the archipelago, I'll
add more info and pictures of other broadcasters! (Nickÿ Grace C.,
YB0RMI / KA1UXT, Jakarta, Indonesia via Deja News. (Deja News/USENET via
Mick Ogrizek, 3 August / EDXP # 58).

INDONESIA - RRI Jakarta on 15125kHz reactivated in the middle of August
and 15150kHz also reactivated on August 16. 15125kHz broadcasts Programa
Nasional Satu  and 15150kHz is used as Programa Nasional Dua.   (Juichi
Yamada, JAPAN/ Jembatan DX # 27) 

INDONESIA - RRI Kupang on 3384.8kHz is not heard in the middle of
August.  (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN / Jembatan DX # 27) 

INDONESIA - RRI Bengkulu on 3264.8kHz is not heard in the middle of
August. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN/ Jembatan DX # 27)

IRAQ -  (non). 11785. A bubble jammer surfaced today, noted from t/in
2155 onwards, heard under R Iraq Intl. Here in NJ, the bubble jammer is
weaker than RRI, but signal strength varies... and garbles the RRI audio
from time to time. (15 Aug, Sundstrom, NJ USA ).

LIBERIA - Despite the BBC Newsdesk report that Star Radio had started SW
in late July, no one has reported it on 3400 or 5890, the projected
frequencies obtained by BBCM. Now, B. Cooley reports hearing an
interview with someone from the station on VOA's African Service at 0300
July 27 saying that SW was not a high priority for Star FM; it will
happen, but not right away (WORLD OF RADIO 906  / SW/DX Report 97-09 Aug

MADAGASCAR - TSIOKA VAO a private station in MADAGASCAR broadcasting on
6075 Khz from 06.00 - 22.00 Madagascar Time -that is from 03.00-19.00
UTC in Malagasy and in French with Pop musical program - The Director
name's is Detkou Dedonnais {a malagasy] ADDRESS: R T V - TSIOKA VAO,
P.O.BOX 315, TANA, PHONE: 261 [2] 217 49 (Vahgee-Madagascar/NASWA LN
Sept 97)

MEXICO - While XERTA was running open carrier the night before and early
on UT Aug 15, after 0405 there was an hour of a variety of music
interrupted by about a dozen different ID tapes every four minutes or
so, my first confirmed logging of them, on about 4800.7. By this hour
Guatemala seemed to be off tho there was still a weak het on the low
side, perhaps African. Among the phrases in the various Spanish IDs
were: "XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de America"; "la primera y ultima
emisora comercial en Mexico"; "transmitiendo en ingles, frances y
espanol"; "con 50 mil watts de potencia radiada"; "desde la Torre
Latinoamericana"; At 0505 switched to English for a half-hour program
promoting and apparently produced by the state of Baja California, with
musical theme "Ebb Tide". Closing at 0537 said would be back tomorrow at
same time, and mentioned 25 and 31 meter bands(??). 0539 back to
Spanish, "nace una nueva estrella, XERTA". Probably stayed on all night
as Hector Garcia B. reported a few nights before and he said the power
was actually 2 kW. Checked again from 1150 with light classical music,
no breaks until 1218 with more Spanish IDs every few minutes. The
frequency had not drifted during the night; TG interference was back now
but could be eliminated on the ATS-909 by using USB. Fading after 1300,
but still a trace detectable at 1400 check. I phoned the studio back at
0448 and heard the same audio in background. The operator seemed excited
to get a call from Oklahoma but was too busy to talk for long (Glenn
Hauser, OK USA / / SW/DX Report 97-09 Aug 15 )

PERU - SW xmtr (5 kw) being renovated for svce in Peru is nearing
completion at the Elcor factory in Costa Rica. Will be transferred to
Peru in October for use by Voice of Hope affiliate in Juliaca for SP,
Quechua and Aymara svcs. (David Gregory, AWR-Panamerica in DX Partyline
via NU19 July/EDXP # 56).

PERU - 4855.5 Radio La Hora, Cusco; Its foundation date is August 15,
1959. (TIN) 4886V Radio Villa Rica, Huancavelica; Its foundation date is
August 4, 1960. (TIN) 5522.4 Radio Sudamerica, Cutervo; will celebrate
its 4th anniversary soon. The station was established on August 15,
1993, by Amadeo Mario Munoz Guivar. Ini tially it operated only on
1060kHz medium wave, with a transmitter of an output of 1.5kW, built by
Ing. Jorge Gomez Torres. The shortwave transmission was commenced on
July 27, 1994. The shortwave transmitter has an output of 250W, made by
Ing. Enrique Becerra. QTH: Ramon Castilla No.704, Plaza de Armas,
Cutervo, Provincia de Cutervo, Peru. (TIN) 6140.1 Radio Huallay,
Huallay; will celebrate its 18th anniversary soon. The station was
established on August 19, 1979. The shortwave outlet has been out of
service due to technical problem for some years, but the station
continues broadcasting on 1080kHz with "PETRICK" brand transmitter
(1kW). QTH: Prolongacion Lima s/n, Palacio Comunal de Huallay, Huallay,
Departamento de Pasco, Peru.  (TIN) (all via TIN's Relampago DX August

PIRATE EUROPE - International Music Radio closing down all activities on
the 76 mb and now can be heard irregularly only on: - Saturday on 6235v
kHz(LSB) from 2000 UTC - Sunday on 6235v kHz(LSB) in the morning
Alternative frequency is 6282v kHz(LSB) (Pecolatto/Radiorama-Pirate News
July # 3)

PIRATE EUROPE - CWR NEWS: Crazy Wave Radio will be closing down
beginning of September 1997. This might come quite surprisingly but is
caused by my moving to Southern Europe for a quite long time. This has
nothing to do with a lost of interest to Free Radio or similar and does
not mean that I will stop my activities to Free Radio but should be
understand as a cut to the last 4 1/2 years of FFFR. If CWR will return
is not clear for the moment, but if so not before autumn 1998 and  not
in the same way as it was during the last years as this was nearly the
maximum you can reach as an "one-man station". I will concentrate on a
new project end of this year which sounds really interesting and seems
to become a professional station on shortwave doing an international
service in different languages. Hope you will enjoy the final programmes
before the break or stop (??) from CWR-KEEP IN TOUCH TO THE FREE RADIO
STATIONS!! You  might hear  me here and there during coming  months,
beside Level 48 of course.  Due to my move also the web page@SRS will be
cancelled and will be placed under: A HREF=< http://www.mannelli.com/cwr
> www.mannelli.com/cwr - under construction Thanks to Jonny for providing me during the last year. Chris Ise@CWR P.S.: This e-mail address will be cancelled in September! (Radiorama-Pirate News July # 4)

PIRATE EUROPE - A new Radio Free London transmitter was tested on
5780kHz through the early hours of Sunday morning. (Radiorama-Pirate
News July # 4)

PIRATE EUROPE - Radio Natalie will celebrate the next 5th October one
year from the first transmission, you can listen a special programme !
(Radiorama-Pirate News July # 4)

PIRATE EUROPE - Radio Mausjager is a free radio cooperation in which
three free radio stations cooperate, they are Dr. Tim, Perfekt and
Torenvalk. The format program playing mainly german and dutch music.
Mausjager, P.O. Box 94, NL-7038 ZH Zeddam, Netherlands.
(Radiorama-Pirate News July # 4)

PIRATE EUROPE - Radio Friday the 13th is a new free radio from the
Netherlands listened some weeks ago on 3945 kHz. This strange station
displayed a mixture of classical and norwegian folk music. For your
report write to Zeddam box. (Radiorama-Pirate News July # 4)

PIRATE EUROPE - In the future Radio Communication Int. could testing the
frequency of 5810 kHz, for the first test transmission was received only
one report from Sweden. RCI, P.O. Box 220342, D-42373 Wuppertal,
Germany. (Radiorama-Pirate News August # 1)

PIRATE EUROPE -  After the Radio Free London broadcast dated August
31st. RFL due to the poor conditions on the short wave bands, will be
back on the air in November. (Radiorama-Pirate News August # 3)

SURINAME -  Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 4990, on extended sked, 0600-0700
with  Indian vocals and occasional anncts in Dutch, possibly earlier
s/on. No sign of Nigeria, 20 July. (Bob Padula/EDXP # 56)

TURKMENISTAN - The English Service of Turkmen Radio is back on the air,
but in a reduced form with 10 minutes of news and information only. It
is now broadcast at 1400 UTC on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday on
279, 675, and 5015 kHz. The address is: Turkmen Radio, English Service,
Mollanepes Street 3, 774000 Ashgabat (van Delft/DSWCI DX-Window/Krone/
NASWA LN August 97)

UKRAINE - Tnx to a tip in BC-DX, I confirm RUI's DX program in English
Sat at 2130-2136 on 12040, and UT Sun 0029-0035 on 7150; presumably also
at 0330 at 1300. Same speaker as before, when it was on Wednesday,
Alexandr Yehorov, and it was introduced as "Radio Page for DXers" but
this episode was nothing but going thru reception reports to RUI (Glenn
Hauser, Oklahoma, July 26-27/ SW/DX Report  97-08, JULY 31)

URUGUAY - For the last years I have been investigating the development
of the SWL/DX hobby in my country, Uruguay. Thanks to  searching media
magazines of the 30s in our National Library,  collecting material and
experiences of pioneer dxers who are  still alive, I can trace the first
mentions of local DX activity  back to 1937, apart of other references
going back to 1922. But  anything is known about DX groups or DXers
reporting to foreign  radio magazines, or DX Club bulletins overseas
from Uruguay since  1940s to 1970s when DX Club del Uruguay was founded.
If any DX  colleague has info on this subject appearing in his
collection of  vintage radio/DX literature I will appreciate it. Please,
contact me via E-mail at <hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxx>. (Horacio Nigro, July
22/EDXP # 57).

USA - As explained on World of Radio 904, the FCC has authorized Flash
Comm to operate multitudes of low-power transmitters in many different
SW ranges, fortunately most of them avoiding broadcasting areas. The
lengthy frequency list showed channels every 3 kHz, in these ranges if
I, gh, did not miss any in the disorganized display: 3170-3209 
5745-5865  10165-10420  14365-14524  18183-18336  21865-21907 4453-4492 
6783-6840  11405-11577  15815-16130  19115-19310  22870-22906 
4925-4976  7540-7738  12170-12215  17425-17533  19815-19863  23365-23515
5120-5231  9105-9345  13425-13572  18045-18051  20025-20124 
25025-25037.  For complete document see the FCC website, or Harry
Helms': <http://users.abac.com/harryh/FCC---FlashCom.html#3>  (via Larry
Nebron, World of Radio 904/ SW/DX Report  97-08, JULY 31)

VATICAN -   In an item on local daily newspaper  Il Messaggero of some
months ago, the VR powerful transmitters inside Vatican territory of
S.Maria di Galeria cause interferences at some electric devices in the
homonymous Italian village near this site.  People complained that it is
very troublesome to listen VR programs into their cellphones,
telephones, TV and FM radio set etc. I don t know if either Italian and
Vatican authorities resolved this problem, considering the delicate
diplomatic aspect of the issue. (G.Serra, Italy, ed.)


WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE - effective July 31:  On WWCR Nashville, Thu
2030 15685, Sat 0530 5070 [temporary], Sat 0605 3210, Sat 1130 5070, Sun
0900 3210, Sun 2330 5070, Tue 1230 15685. On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000,
Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed
0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in 1900-0500 period, 7385 2200-1200, NEW
7585-USB 0000-1200. NEW!! On WGTG, Georgia, UT Tue 0400 on 5085-USB
(Hauser,  USA July 31)

DXING WITH CUMBRE - Hello, everyone--This is the revised schedule for
DXing with Cumbre. It's direct from Joe Brashier of World Harvest Radio.
You'll note some changes in the KWHR schedule; the 0730 Saturday and
0330 Monday times have been dropped, but there is a new transmission at
1630 Sunday.  WHRI's 2230 Saturday transmission is also a new addition.
America/Caribbean)   0500 - 0530 Saturday  7315 kHz --- 1730 - 1800
Saturday 9495 kHz ---- 2230 - 2300 Saturday 9495 kHz --- WHRI Angel 2
(To: Europe/Middle East/Africa)  0500 - 0530 Saturday 5745 kHz --- 1430
- 1500 Saturday 6040 kHz --- 2200 - 2230 Sunday  5745 kHz --- KWHR Angel
3 (To: Asia/Pacific)  0230 - 0300 Saturday 17510 kHz --- 1130 - 1200
Saturday  9930 kHz --- 1630 - 1700 Sunday 9930 kHz  --- 1830 - 1900
Sunday 13625 kHz.  Joe Brashier also announces a new program coming to
KWHR for those who speak Mandarin.  "The Radio Voice of China's
Christians," which is produced by the Voice of the Martyrs organization
in Oklahoma, will air on 9930 at 1230 UTC on Saturdays.  It features
testimonies from Chinese Christians, which are recorded in China and
sent to the U.S. for inclusion in the program. Address for written and
taped reception reports: World Harvest Radio,  P.O. Box 12, South Bend
IN 46624 - USA. URLs for World Harvest Audio Web site, which includes
real-time RealAudio transmissions of "DXing with Cumbre" and other World
Harvest programs: <http://www.whri.com>  or  <http://www.kwhr.com> World
Harvest Radio also QSLs reception reports for RealAudio transmissions;
you can report them through the Web site.  Schedules and frequencies are
also available there. Thanks for listening and contributing to DXing
with Cumbre! 73--Marie Lamb


INDIA BROADBASE 1997 NOW AVAILABLE - The Ontario DX Association is
pleased to announce that India BroadBase'97 is now available for
immediate shipping. IBB'97 is produced in collaboration with Manosij
Guha and the Universal DX League based in New Delhi, India. The aim of
this publication, which is of great interest to DXers in North America
and around the world, is to promote a better understanding of the Indian
broadcasting scene by providing the most accurate and comprehensive
information available anywhere. This 6th annual edition was delayed
until mid-year but has been thoroughly updated with the most accurate
schedules and other information available to June, 1997. Its
availability at this time will be particularly useful as shortwave
listeners and DXers look forward to the upcomimg traditional
fall/winnter/spring 1997-98 listening season. IBB'97, a cover-bound
edition comprising some 50 pages in an 8.5 x 11 format, includes
extensive listings of stations ranging from Medium Wave to TV/FM and
Satellites. The introductory and general information chapters, supported
by an extensive Bibliography, contain much background information about
the organization of the government broadcaster, All India Radio. The
extensive domestic network of Regional and Feeder stations of AIR on
shortwaves is covered in great detail, with the well-known graphical
charts exclusive to IBB which show progamme schedules/contents in
5-minute increments for the entire 24hour day. India BroadBase is
compiled and published by volunteer staff of the ODXA and the UDXL who
are interested in making this unique publication widely available to the
shortwave hobby at minimum cost. Please order from Ontario DX
Association, Box 161, Stn A, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2N 5S8.
Remittances in Canadian or U.S. funds are acceptable for airmail
delivery within North America @ $9.00 (postpaid), or for other
international destinations, pricing is @ $10.00 U.S. funds (postpaid).
Interested parties in the Asia/Pacific region may wish to contact Bob
Padula in Australia prior to ordering. Arrangements have been made
whereby India BroadBase 1997 is expected to be available throught the
Bookshop Service of the Electronic DX Press - Australia, of which Mr.
Padula is the principal. He can be contacted regarding availability and
pricing via e-mail at: <100026.262@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; or by telephone/fax
at: +61 3 9898 2906 (David Clark, Canada)

<  Marconi ha dato agli uomini un nuovo
modo di conoscersi, di aiutarsi, di 
amarsi, quale nessun  poeta o scienziato
aveva mai immaginato.  >
                                                  Nuova Antologia 

< La conoscenza e' la prima forma di liberta'. >
                                                       Giovanni Serra 

< Un uomo che abbia qualcosa da dire
e non trovi chi l' ascolta,
se la passa male.
Ma ancora peggio
se la passano gli ascoltatori
che non trovano nessuno
che abbia qualcosa da dire >
                                              Bertold Brecht, 1927