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  (logs 26 JUL - 7 AUG 1997: file=DX970807.LOG)

  Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 1997

  e-mail = WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  [Connelly*P-MA] = Plymouth, MA (GC= 70.68 W / 41.98 N)
  (Robbins Road - Holmes Field, N of Nelson Street Beach)

  [Connelly*R-MA] = Rockport, MA (GC= 70.60 W / 42.636 N)
  (Pebble Beach: Penzance Road, E of South Street)

  Receiver: Drake R8A

  Antenna system - Plymouth: 27 m wire at 70 deg. (s. Europe),
  27 m wire at 160 deg. (Caribbean); wires phased with MFJ-1026
  phasing unit.
  Antenna system - Rockport: RL-1 remotely-tuned loop, RW-1
  active whip, DCP-2 dual controller / phaser


Reports this time include the Plymouth MFJ-1026 Field Test 
and a trip to a new Rockport site having good Latin American

549   ALGERIA, Les Trembles, AUG 7 0215 - man in AA w/ news
interview or teletalk show; good. [Connelly*R-MA]
567   IRELAND, RTE R.1, Tullamore, AUG 7 0214 - man & woman in
EE; in slop at first, then it got better. [Connelly*R-MA]
612   MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, AUG 7 0016 - man & woman in AA; poor
to fair over presumed Ireland. [Connelly*R-MA]
621   CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, RNE1, AUG 7 0022 - news in SS
delivered by man in a monotone "just the facts" style; slopped.
684   SPAIN, RNE1, Sevilla, AUG 7 0029 - male SS vocal & guitar,
the announcer talked about the performer, then teletalk followed.
Good w/ WRKO-680 phased. [Connelly*R-MA]
711   WESTERN SAHARA, Laayoune, AUG 7 0033 - AA violins, drums, &
vocal; to good peak w/ WOR in easy phase null.  [Connelly*R-MA]
747   NETHERLANDS, Flevoland, JUL 27 0115 - mellow Dutch female
vocal; fair over others. [Connelly*P-MA]
756   GERMANY, Deutschlandradio, Braunschweig/Ravensburg,
JUL 27 0114 - excellent w/ classical violins & piano.
[Connelly*P-MA] + AUG 7 0043 - classical music; fair to good,
bouncy fades, bits of Spain under. [Connelly*R-MA]
765   SWITZERLAND, RSR, Sottens, JUL 27 0114 - classical music;
good to excellent. [Connelly*P-MA]
774   EGYPT, Abis, JUL 27 0113 - Koranic vocal; good, initially
over Spain. [Connelly*P-MA]
774   SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, JUL 27 0113 - woman in SS; starting
to overtake the co-channel Egyptian. [Connelly*P-MA]
819   EGYPT, Batra, JUL 27 0112 - Koranic male AA vocal; very good,
bulldozing the 820 domestics. [Connelly*P-MA]
836   AZORES, RDP, Pico da Barossa, AUG 7 0109 - Steely Dan style
jazz-rock song, then man in PP; fair to good, better than adjacent
Canaries-837. [Connelly*R-MA]
846   ITALY, Rome, JUL 27 0112 - talk by woman, then light
classical music; good. [Connelly*P-MA]
855   SPAIN, RNE1, Murcia et al., JUL 27 0111 - SS talk by man
& woman; quite strong, but only slightly over a second station that
had operatic vocals.  The music station was most likely Romania;
I couldn't find anything to parallel it to, though. [Connelly*P-MA]
864   EGYPT, Santah, JUL 27 0110 - typical male a cappella AA vocal;
to good peak.  There was a weak het of undetermined origin on the
low side (approximately 863.8). [Connelly*P-MA]
882   UNITED KINGDOM, BBC Wales, Washford, JUL 27 0107 - EE talk,
atop Spain-Canaries; in tough WCBS slop. [Connelly*P-MA]
891   ALGERIA, Algiers, JUL 26 2348 - flute & string music; fair
w/ WBPS phased. [Connelly*P-MA]
1017   GERMANY, Rheinsender, JUL 27 0104 - GG news by man; fair to
good, over others. [Connelly*P-MA]
1026   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUL 27 0013 - SS news mixed w/ unID
other station; in tight phase-null of local WBZ. [Connelly*P-MA]
1044   MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, JUL 26 2352 - AA male vocal; to
good peak, dominant over Spain. [Connelly*P-MA]
1044   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUL 27 0102 - scratchy-audio SS
telephone interview, then announcer in studio with much better
audio fidelity; good signal. [Connelly*P-MA]
1053   UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, Start Point et al.,
JUL 27 0101 - LOUD ! (stronger than // 1089): news about a
Jordanian test pilot killed at an air show. [Connelly*P-MA]
1088   unID, probably ANGOLA, JUL 27 0100 - weak to fair het
appeared against Talk Radio; it jumped around in strength in a way
that suggested that the transmitter or antenna was being adjusted
(rather than the signal just fading up and down). [Connelly*P-MA]
1089   UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, JUL 27 0100 - man in
EE talked about proposals to change some laws, then news was read
by a woman; fair to good signal. [Connelly*P-MA] + AUG 7 0157 -
man & woman in EE talking about police issues; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]
1098   SLOVAKIA, Nitra, JUL 27 0054 - "Eurodisco" dance music in
the style of Technotronic; loud, well over Spain. [Connelly*P-MA]
+ AUG 7 0157 - "Muzak" type instrumental; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]
1107   SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, JUL 27 0053 - SS talk; poor to fair
in slop. [Connelly*P-MA]
1125   CROATIA, HR, Deanovec, JUL 27 0052 - // Zadar-1134 w/ female
group folk vocal w/ balalaika or mandolin accompaniment; slightly
over Spain and just making it through the residual splash from
tightly-phased WBBR. [Connelly*P-MA]
1134   CROATIA, HR, Zadar, JUL 27 0015 - Slavic male folk vocal in
a somewhat operatic style (Italian-influenced); huge signal, well
over Spain w/ WBBR-1130 phased. [Connelly*P-MA] + AUG 7 0158 -
'40s-era female vocal; atop Spain SS talk. [Connelly*R-MA]
1143   SPAIN, COPE synchros, JUL 27 0049 - SS teletalk; atop an
unID music station. [Connelly*P-MA]
1179   SPAIN // CANARY ISLANDS, SER synchros, JUL 27 0013 - fast
SS newstalk; killing WHAM-1180 on the Euro-wire. [Connelly*P-MA]
1197   UNITED KINGDOM, Virgin R. synchros, JUL 27 0044 - this one
w/ rock // 1215 was among several stations piled up on this channel.
1215   UNITED KINGDOM, Virgin R. synchros, JUL 27 0019 - hard
rock, then EE talk; over Spain. [Connelly*P-MA] + AUG 7 0201 -
woman in EE, then R.E.M. song; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]
1251   LIBYA, Tripoli, JUL 26 2358 - AA vocal; slopped.
[Connelly*P-MA] + AUG 7 0204 - AA shouting (political or
religious speech). [Connelly*R-MA]
1269   GERMANY, Neumunster, JUL 27 0040 - GG talk; in tough
CJCB/WTSN slop. [Connelly*P-MA]
1278   unID's, JUL 27 0039 - jumbly mix of audios here w/ France
& Ireland most likely, based upon previous logs. [Connelly*P-MA]
1287   SLOVAKIA (/ CZECH REPUBLIC ?), JUL 27 0038 - Slavic-
language rock vocal, overriding Spain's SER SS talk; low growl
present. [Connelly*P-MA]
1296   SPAIN / unID, JUL 27 0021 - a jumble here w/ SS talk
slightly over several other stations, one of which had decidedly
Middle Eastern sounding music.  That unID may have been Sudan or
perhaps Radio XL, UK. [Connelly*P-MA]
1314   NORWAY, NRK, Kvitsoy, JUL 27 0036 - man in Norwegian, then
song "Return to Innocence" by Enigma; good. [Connelly*P-MA]
+ AUG 7 0205 - oldies music; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]
1341   NORTHERN IRELAND, BBC, Lisnagarvey, JUL 27 0021 - woman
in EE; poor to fair, in slop. [Connelly*P-MA]
1349   MAURITANIA, R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, JUL 26 2359 -
AA talk by woman at poor audio level on a strong carrier.
1395   NETHERLANDS, Lopik, JUL 27 0007 - man & woman w/ teletalk
in Dutch; fair to good.  Hearing this was quite an achievement
in phasing: WPLM-1390 is less than 3 km from the receiving site
used. [Connelly*P-MA]
1422   GERMANY, Deutschlandradio, Heusweiler, JUL 27 0004 - man
w/ news in GG; fair.  Likely Algeria was slightly under and a
1.6 Hz SAH resulted. [Connelly*P-MA]
1530   SAO TOME & PRINCIPE, VOA, Pinheira (t), JUL 27 0026 - EE
talk sounded like typical VOA news, channel very messy at the
time.  This is routinely audible from 0300-0430 UTC, seldom
earlier. [Connelly*P-MA]
1531.3   unID (Middle East clandestine ?), JUL 27 0024 - het
and a hint of music. [Connelly*P-MA]
1544   ALGERIA - CLANDESTINE, Tindouf, JUL 26 2359 - shrill AA
female vocal; fair through WDCD slop. [Connelly*P-MA]
1548   KUWAIT, VOA, Kuwait City, JUL 27 0031 - VOA program w/
man in US EE; fair on peaks, but taking long fades into the
"mush". [Connelly*P-MA]
1575   SPAIN / ITALY, JUL 27 0033 - SS talk & II vocal evenly
mixed. [Connelly*P-MA]

   *** PAN-AMERICAN DX ***
535   GRENADA, GBC, St. George's, AUG 7 0014 - excellent (near
local sunset) w/ VOA-produced program discussing the recent
cooperative business arrangement between Microsoft and Apple
Computer. [Connelly*R-MA] 
550   VENEZUELA, Mundial, YVKE, Caracas, AUG 7 0123 - // YVYM-880
w/ man & woman in SS; in co-channel mess. [Connelly*R-MA]
555   ST. KITTS & NEVIS, ZIZ, Basseterre, AUG 7 0019 - fast
soca music; to good peak. [Connelly*R-MA]
670   VENEZUELA, R. Rumbos, YVLL, Caracas, AUG 7 0026 - salsa
music, ID "Rumbos, la Emissor de Venezuela"; good / dominant.
720   VENEZUELA, YVQE, Porlamar, AUG 7 0037 - booming ID
"R. Oriente, Musica de Venezuela", then energetic group vocal,
xylophone, drum; good w/ CHTN in loop null. [Connelly*R-MA]
750   VENEZUELA, YVKS, Caracas, AUG 7 0039 - Caracas news in
SS; over second SS station (probably Colombia) that had sports.
760   COLOMBIA, HJAJ, Barranquilla / VENEZUELA, YVQQ, Puerto la
Cruz - AUG 7 0044 - even "dogfight" between these two; both had
sporting events in SS. [Connelly*R-MA]
770   COLOMBIA, RCN, HJJX, Bogota, AUG 7 0045 - SS sportstalk;
over (!) WABC. [Connelly*R-MA]
800   NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, Trans-World Radio, PJB, Bonaire,
AUG 7 0100 - SS announcer mentioned "la biblia dice" ("the
Bible speaks"), then a Miami address and the ID "Esta es Radio
Transmundial"; huge, crushing CJAD/others.  A slight Spain-801
het was present. [Connelly*R-MA]
810   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJCY, Bogota, AUG 7 0055 - program
entitled "Esta es su casa." (= "This is your house."); economic
issues were mentioned; atop mix of CJVA, WGY, & others.
860   CUBA, R. Reloj, CMBL, Arroyo Arenas, AUG 7 0115 - code
"RR's" and SS newstalk; in a big Latin American pile-up on this
channel. [Connelly*R-MA]
860.2   unID, AUG 7 0113 - Colombian-style accordion music, SS
vocal; somewhat splittable from the 860.0 crowd, but the 200 Hz
growl garbled things up badly at times. [Connelly*R-MA]
880   VENEZUELA, Mundial, YVYM, Puerto Ordaz, AUG 7 0123 -
// YVKE-550 w/ man & woman in SS; over second South American
and under WCBS. [Connelly*R-MA]
895   ST. KITTS & NEVIS, VON, Bath Village, AUG 7 0125 - mellow
US soul vocal by man; good. [Connelly*R-MA]
940   CUBA, R. Reloj, AUG 7 0128 - Reloj SS news / time show;
slightly over a mix of likely Venezuela & Colombia; CBM phased.
960   CUBA, R. Reloj, AUG 7 0131 - Reloj SS news, code "RR's";
mixed w/ Colombia, CHNS, others. [Connelly*R-MA]
1000   COLOMBIA, RCN, HJAQ, Cartagena, AUG 7 0130 - RCN ID;
over others w/ CKBW in loop null. [Connelly*R-MA]
1020   TURKS & CAICOS, Caribbean Christian Radio, AUG 7 0134 -
US EE preacher w/ talk about Adam & Eve and "the devil's
junkyard"; way over YVRS/KDKA. [Connelly*R-MA]
1040   VENEZUELA, R. Carabobo, YVLB, Valencia (t),
AUG 7 0137 - probably this w/ Venezuelan news in SS; over
others. [Connelly*R-MA]
1060   CUBA, CMDX, Baracoa, AUG 7 0140 - usual mushy and
overdriven audio on this one, noted at the time w/ a
combination of traditional Cuban folk music and some more
modern uptempo pop selections; atop KYW. [Connelly*R-MA]
1100   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJAT, Barranquilla, AUG 7 0140 -
was // 1170 w/ SS talk about Colombia; in jumble w/ other
Latin Americans. [Connelly*R-MA]
1110   VENEZUELA, YVQT, Carupano, AUG 7 0155 - brassy music,
Carupano mention; over CKTY w/ WBT in loop null. [Connelly*R-MA]
1160   BERMUDA, VSB3, Hamilton, AUG 7 0151 - // 5975 w/ BBC
documentary about the history of a wartime naval convoy;
poor to fair in a mix w/ SS Latin Americans and assorted
domestics. [Connelly*R-MA]
1170   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJNW, Cartagena, AUG 7 0148 -
// to 1100 w/ SS talk about the political situation in
Colombia; excellent / dominant. [Connelly*R-MA]
1375   ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON, RFO, AUG 7 0206 - FF version
of Dusty Springfield's "Son of a Preacher Man". [Connelly*R-MA]