NEWS: Special DX broadcast from AWR-Forli (fwd)
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NEWS: Special DX broadcast from AWR-Forli (fwd)

This is a message from "Marie A. Lamb" <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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Hi, all.  This is the message from Adrian Peterson regarding the special
test in September from AWR-Forli, Italy beamed to North America.  Several
of you have asked about this test, so I am taking the liberty of
forwarding this press release from Adrian Peterson, host of AWR's
"Wavescan."  You'll find all the details here except the frequency,
which has yet to be determined.  Hope this helps!

Marie Lamb

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 14:57:37 -0400
From: Adrian Peterson <105502.471@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ray Allen <74532.1143@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    David Barasoain <d.barasoain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Rachel Baughn <mteditor@xxxxxxxxx>, Jerry Berg <jberg@xxxxxxxx>,
    Ralph Brandi <ralph@xxxxxxx>, Gwen Brown <74617.234@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Julie Brude <jbrude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Shirley Burton <742.337@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Wolfgang Buschel <100523.3446@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    British DX Club <bdxc@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Richard D'Angelo <r.dangelo3@xxxxxxxxx>,
    Claudius Dedio <102555.257@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Cumbre DX <ulis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ed Evans <cee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Dan Ferguson <df@xxxxxxxxxx>,
    Victor Goonetilleke <victorg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    David Gregory <74617.1577@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Alok Das Gupta <alokdg@xxxxxxxxxxxx'>,
    Erika Gysin <awritaly@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Christoph Gysin <christoph@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Glenn Hauser <ghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Greg Hodgson <74617.2740@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Jim Hoffer <74617.460@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Karel Honzik <khonzik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Weltweit Horen <wwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Darryl Hosford <hws@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    George Jacobs <70751.1236@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Don Jacobsen <74617.102@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Hans Johnson <73042.3644@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    John Kecskes <cabby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Finn Krone <dko1727@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Stefano Losio <stefano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Kurier Magazine <100644.575@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Arthur de Maine <100236.2003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    William Matthews <bill.matthews@xxxxxxxxxx>,
    Rich McVicar <rmvdxer@xxxxxxxx>, Dario Monferini <playdx@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Don Moore <moore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Stephen Newlyn <snewlyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    DX Ontario <70400.2660@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Harold Ort <PopularCom@xxxxxxx>,
    Bob Padula <100026.262@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Anker Petersen <100413.2375@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
    Al Quaglieri <alcue@xxxxxxxxxx>, Radiomaailma <sdxl@xxxxxx>,
    Editor Radiorama <radiorama@xxxxxxx>,
    Klaus-Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxx>,
    Greg Scott <74532.530@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Special DX broadcast from AWR-Forli


                        ADVENTIST  WORLD  RADIO

        The small shortwave station operated by Adventist World Radio in
Forli Italy announces a double DX broadcast beamed towards North America. 
These programs are scheduled to be on the air over the last weekend in
September and they form part of the annual DX contest conducted by
Adventist World Radio.  

        "The purpose of these broadcasts is to give listeners in North
America, and perhaps elsewhere in the world, the opportunity to hear our
exotic little station," states Christoph Gysin, who is the station engineer
at AWR-Forli.

        The double DX broadcasts are scheduled to be on the air as

Saturday night September 27 in USA which is Sunday morning September 28 UTC

Sunday night September 28 in USA which is Monday morning September 29 UTC

                        0100 - 0300 UTC on both occasions

        Programming will consist of two episodes of the AWR global DX
program "Wavescan", one of which will feature a Station Profile on
AWR-Forli. Other segments of the special broadcasts will be taken from the
regular programming of Adventist World Radio.  Program announcements will
give details of the special QSL cards that will be issued for these twin DX

        The specific frequency that will be in use for these DX broadcasts
has not yet been determined, but it will be announced as soon as the
information becomes available.  The rotatable log periodic antenna will be
oriented on New York City, which should give the opportunity for wide
reception throughout the North American continent.

        Two special QSL cards will be available for the DX broadcasts from
Forli. All reception reports addressed to the AWR Office of International
Relations at Box 29235 Indianapolis 46229, will receive a copy of the
"World's Smallest QSL Card".  All reception reports addressed to the
station at Box 383 Forli 47100 in Italy will receive a regular QSL card
with a special endorsement denoting the DX broadcasts.  Also available will
be a copy of the AWR QSL stamp, which can be affixed to the QSL

        If desired, listeners may send two reception reports, one to each
location. Please remember to enclose return postage, in the form of
currency notes or postage stamps in an international currency, or IRC

        Last year, at the time of the annual DX contest, similar plans were
made for a special DX broadcast from AWR-Forli beamed towards North
America.  However, two days in advance of the broadcast, the transmitter
mal-functioned and it was off the air for several days.  To the credit of
the international radio world, not one spurious reception report was
received, though some listeners courteously wrote in and explained that
they did not hear the program.

        The small AWR station currently on the air at Forli operates with
an output power of approximately 2.5 kW.  The shortwave service from this
station is to be augmented by a large new station that AWR plans to erect
at Argenta on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy.  This new station is
currently in the planning stages.